
Mar 22

Talladega Nights

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Back Squat

In a 10:00 Window

Max Back Squats @ 80%

Max set to technical failure.

"Talladega Nights"

5 x AMRAP 3

21 Wall Balls (30/20)

21/15 Cal Row

Max Strict Pull ups

No Rest Between AMRAPS

Score is total Strict Pull ups

KG | (9/6)


5 x AMRAP 3

21/15 Cal Row

15 Wall Balls (30/20)

Max Strict Pull ups

Score is total Strict Pull ups

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, our max sets are to be done to "Technical Failure" - This means the set is stopped once technical proficiency is lost, not once the lifter can no longer lift the weight. In part 2, we have back to back AMRAPS with some redundant movements and strict gymnastics that are sure to burn out quickly if we're not careful from the start. Fatigue and breathing will quickly play a large role in how successful we are at the end of each AMRAP.


Total strict pull ups


Wallballs | :60 or less. 2 sets or less.
Calorie Row | Around :60.Strict
Pull-ups |  Aim for at least :30.

The One | Teaching Focus

Grip the ground
In both our back squats and wall balls we want to target grip and twist the ground with the feet. This will emphasize the knees tracking the toes and  the use of the posterior chain throughout squatting movements.



Reduce Reps/Loading/Target
Single Dumbbell Thrusters
Empty Barbell Thrusters
32 Air Squats

Calorie Row
Reduce Reps
1:00 Time Cap
15/12 Calorie Ski
21/15 Calorie Bike Erg
200m Run

Strict pull ups
Banded Strict Pull-Ups
Ring Rows
Jumping Pull-ups
Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows


Athletes should not go to failure on their pull-ups in the first few rounds, choose a number of reps that is sub maximal and try to maintain a consistent number of reps each round.

Those less confident in their ability to hold onto the wallball under fatigue at this weight and height may consider scaling down to maintain a higher intensity pace.

In part 1, make sure athletes have a clear understanding of what it means to go to “technical failure.” Pair athletes up in groups and call them to lift on alternating minutes so that you can see, correct, and cue each athlete throughout the sets.

In part 2, you can manage a large class by staggering start times and beginning one group behind the other. You can also allow some athletes to begin on the wallballs and others to begin on the rower.

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Provide workout overview
  • Review stimulus notes
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

"Rowling" Tourney

  • Provide teaching that focuses on sequence of pull.
  1. Catch, drive, finish, recover.
  2. Cue athletes to target this throughout the game.
  • 3 Rounds each
    Close eyes at 50m
    Partner furthest from target does 10 reps
    Round 1 | Air squat
    Round 2 | Medball squat
    Round 3 | Medball thruster

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-19 minutes)

Wall Ball | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish set-up
  1. Feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hold the medicine ball at chest height with both hands on the sides of the ball.
  3. Elbows pointing down.
  • 5 Medball squat
  1. Focus on foot arch and gripping the ground
  • 5 Medball push press
  1. Focus on timing of hips and legs extending then pressing the ball
  • 3 Medball thruster
  1. Focus on squat mechanics, foot arch, and gripping the ground
  • 3 Medball thruster
  1. Focus on timing of hips and legs extending then pressing the ball overhead
  • 5 Wall balls

Pull ups | tell. show, do, check

  • :15 each
  • Scap retractions
  • Kip swings
  • Jumping eccentric
  1. Modify to eccentric ring rows if necessary
  • Pull ups
  1. Modify to workout movement

(21-33 minutes)

(19-36 minutes)

  • 10:00 window
  • Builds based on coach or athlete discretion
  • Transition to part 2

(33-39 minutes)

(36-42 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 7 Wallballs
  • 7/5 Calorie Row
  • 1-3 Strict Pull-ups


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(42-55 minutes)

Look For

Wall Ball  

  • Timing.
  • Cue athletes to extend the hips and legs fully before throwing the ball.

Calorie Row

  • Timing and sequence.
  • Cue athletes to extend the hips and legs fully before pulling the handle.

Strict Pull Ups

  • Elbow Position.
  • Review the position of the elbows during the pull-up. They should point down and slightly back, not flare out to the sides.

  • Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (55-60 Minutes)

Accessory Work

Additional Elements

Home Workout

5 x AMRAP 3
21 Single DB thrusters
200m run
Max Strict Pull ups


“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” - Scott Adams

How does an echo start?With a tiny sound. One that in and of itself, might not even be noticeable. But shortly thereafter that soft sound, comes its echo. Still maybe nothing to turn heads. Yet, this echo builds upon its previous. And again. And then again. Before we know it, it’s impossible to ignore.

It’s called the “changing of the echos”, and it starts with a single tiny noise. Will we start one today?

After Party

Unbroken barbell curls
Unbroken barbell bent row
Unbroken barbell supinated strict press

Have questions?

Reach out!

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