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Front Squat

Heavy Set of 20 


For Time: 

1,000/900 Meter Row 

50 Thrusters 

30 Pull-ups 

500/450 Meter Row 

25 Thrusters 

15 Pull-ups 

Barbell: (45/35) 

KG | (20/15)


For Time: 

1,000/900 Meter Row 

50 Thrusters 

30 Bar Muscle-ups

Barbell: @weight(95/65) 

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, we have the “primer” week of our 20 rep cycle, athletes will explore their thresholds for the 20 rep loading. Athlete’s will use the data gathered from this week 1 primer in order to perform an actual 20 rep max test next week.  In part 2, We've got a little Mini Me action today, with Jackie to start and a little mini Jackie to finish. If you're familiar with Jackie, you know she's fast and spicy on the grip and forearms. Since we are wrapping back around to do half Jackie in this piece, we should adjust our usual strategy down a notch so that we have gas left to sprint through the end.


Score: Time to complete work. Add 1s per rep not completed if time capped.


Rows | 4:30 or less and 2:30 or less respectively. 

Thrusters | 1-3 sets for both sets. 

Pull-ups | 1-3 sets, pull-ups should not take longer than 2:00 or 1:00 respectively.


The One | Teaching Focus

Elbows High
The teaching focus for today’s workout is to maintain high elbows throughout the front squats. By doing so, athletes will improve the efficiency and safety of their movement. High elbows will serve to keep the torso upright and the bar over the frontal plane.


1000/900M ROW

Reduce Distance
4:30 Time Cap
800/720m Ski 
2000/1800m Bike 
800m Run 
600m Air Run
50/40 Calorie Echo/Assault

500/450 ROW

Reduce Distance
2:15 Time Cap
400/360 Ski 
1000/900m Bike 
400m Run 
300m Air Run
25/20 Calorie Echo/Assault


Reduce Loading
Reduce Reps
Sub Dumbbell(s)
Sub Front Squats
Sub Push Press
100/50 Air Squats


Reduce Reps
Strict (Reduce Reps)
Ring Rows
Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows


Have athletes partner or group up for part 1.

To save space on the rig and machine, start a second group 4-5 min behind the first group if needed.

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow

  • Grab Barbells
  • 0:30 Alternating worlds greatest
  • 0:30 Downward + upward dogs
  • 0:30 Squat hold
  • 1:00 Row
  • 0:20 push ups
  • 0:20 Air squats
  • 0:40 Row
  • 0:20 push ups
  • 0:20 cossak squats

CT Barbell Flow :15 - :20 each

  • Goodmornings
  • Back squat 
  • Elbow rotations 
  • Press & reach 
  • Front squats
  • Push Press
  • Thruster

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-21 minutes)

Pull ups | tell, show, do, check

  • :10 Deadhang 
  • :10 Scap pull ups 
  • :10 Kips
  • Focus on a shallow, controlled, tight kip
  • 2x :10 Kip swings
  • Focus on the swing being controlled by the shoulders/lats
  • 5 Jumping negative pull ups
  • Sub ring rows if needed 
  • 3 Pull ups or workout mod

Front Squat | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance & grip
  • Shoulder-width stance
  • Hands just outside shoulders
  • Loose fingertip grip on the bar
  • Elbows high (upper arm parallel to the ground)
  • Midline is braced
  • 3 cued ¼ Squat & Hold
  • Focus on high elbows in set up and hold 
  • 3 cued Squat & hold
  • Focus on high elbows throughout the rep and in the bottom position 
  • 3 Cued lightweight rep
  • Focus on elbows high throughout the rep 

(21-33 minutes)

(21-33 minutes)

  • 10:00 window 
  • Builds based on coach or athlete discretion
  • Transition to part 2

(33-39 minutes)

(33-39 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 200/175m Row
  • 8 Thrusters
  • 4 Pull-ups


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(39-57 minutes)

Look For

  • Row | Sequence of pull,  athletes should drive and extend the legs before pulling with the arms.
  • Thruster | Sequence of the thruster, athletes should extend the hips before pushing to overhead.
  • Pull Ups | Consistency in reps,  athletes should use smart sets to avoid blowing up early.

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)

Accessory Work

Bullet Proof Shoulders

3-4 Sets For Quality: 

20 Banded Front Raises 

20 Banded Face Pulls 

20 Banded Z-Press

Additional Elements

Have questions?

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