
Mar 7

Elevator Pitch

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Bench Press

5 Sets [Building In Weight]:

2 Bench Press at 75-85%

Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets

"Elevator Pitch"



Toes to Bar 

Dumbbell Step Back Lunges 


Dumbbells: (50/35)'s 

KG | (22.5/15)


13-15 & 55+ | (35/25)'s

KG | (15/11)




Toes to Bar 

Single Leg Squats 


For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


This is the first week of our 4-week Heavy Doubles strength cycle. This cycle is designed to help build maximum strength by focusing on lifting near-maximal weights for two repetitions. We’ll progress from more sets with shorter rest at lower percentages to fewer sets with longer rest at higher percentages.  If you are struggling to maintain form/technique or are failing reps, decrease the weight in order to move well.  In part 2, Reps compound quickly today as they increase by 2 each round in this 15-minute workout. Cycling through a great pairing of bodyweight, gymnastics, and weightlifting, you should be able to hold a steady pace throughout.


Score: Rounds and Reps


Target Score: 7-10 Rounds

Stimulus: Lactate Threshold [RPE 6-7]

Loading Target: Light-Moderate Loading

Toes to Bar: Choose a variation that will allow for unbroken to 2 sets.

Dumbbell Step Back Lunge: Hold two dumbbells at your sides. Alternate legs every rep. The reps listed are the total number (2 reps = 1 each leg). Choose a weight that allows you to go unbroken through at least the round of 10.

Burpees: Athletes should be able to move consistently through reps, completing 4 reps in about 0:20.

The One | Teaching Focus

Break the bar 

We’re focusing on the athlete “breaking the bar” in the bench press. This technique ensures optimal muscle activation in the chest and shoulders. Breaking the bar helps to stabilize the shoulders and elbows, reducing the risk of injury and ensuring proper alignment throughout the movement. It creates tension in the upper body, providing a solid base from which to press the weight. Verbal Cues: "Imagine you're trying to bend the bar in half with your hands." "Push outward against the bar as if you're trying to spread it apart." "Squeeze the bar as hard as you can and push outward with your hands."


Focus on quick transitions, as there are a lot of them, especially early on. 

Once you get to the round of 8 reps and beyond, you may consider taking a small break on the toes to bar to keep your midline from fatiguing too much. 



Reduce Reps
Toes To As High As Possible
Knees To Chest
Hanging Knee Raises
GHD Sit-Ups


Sub Kettlebells
Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges (115/75)
Forward Lunges in Place
Walking Lunges
Goblet Squats
Bulgarian Split Squats


Reduce Reps
Same Calorie Row, Ski, or Bike Erg
No Push-Up Burpee
2x Mountain Climbers
2x Air Squats
Box Jumps
Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 10m)


Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow (Grab a Light set of DBs)

  • 0:30 Pec Stretch (right)
  • 0:30 Pec Stretch (left)
  • 0:30 Alternating Worlds Greatest
  • 0:30 Alternating Reverse Lunges
  • 10 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts 
  • 10 Push Ups
  • 10 Suitcase Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
  • 10 Double Dumbbell FLoor Press

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-21 minutes)

Toes to Bar Prep

  • 0:20 Hollow Hold (on floor)
  • 0:10 Hollow Hang
  • Look for athletes to have feet slightly in front of the body and remain engaged in the core. 
  • 0:20 Tight Kip Swings
  • Emphasize the pull down on the bar with the lats, rather than swinging the legs. 
  • 0:20 Kipping Knees To Chest
  • Look for athletes to press down on the bar as they tuck the knees to the chest.
  • 0:20 Leg Swings
  • Encourage athletes to get the legs as high as they can while maintaining rhythm.
  • 0:20 Toes to Bar

Bench Press Specific Warm Up

  • 5 Barbell scapular retractions 
  • 3 Tempo empty bar bench press 
  • 3 second negative, 1 second hold, powerful press
  • Focus on maintaining position on bench 
  • 3 Tempo empty bar bench press 
  • Focus on “breaking the bar” throughout the rep. 
  • 3 second negative, 1 second hold, powerful press

(21-33 minutes)

(21-36 minutes)

  • 15:00 Minutes to allow athletes to warm up to their first set, then complete their 5 sets of 2. 
  • All 5 sets should be completed within 75%-85%, if athletes feel up to building within the range they can.  Those that feel it's already too heavy or struggling with form, encourage them to stay at the same weight across the sets.

(33-39 minutes)

(36-42 minutes)

Practice Round

  • On The Minute x 2:
  • 4 Toes To Bar
  • 4 Step Back Lunges
  • 4 Burpees


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(42-57 minutes)

Look For

  • Toes To Bar: Athletes should aim to maintain unbroken sets for as long as possible.  Encourage athletes to push down on the bar as they go to make contact with the toes. 
  • Step Back Lunges: Look for athletes to drive out of the front foot as they stand tall. 
  • Burpees: Athletes should approach these with a steady state of movement, no need to try and sprint effort, but just keep moving. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)

Accessory Work

Run Conditioning

5 Minute Run [RPE 6-7], 1 Minute Run [RPE 2-3]

4 Minute Run [RPE 6-7], 2 Minute Run [RPE 2-3]

3 Minute Run [RPE 6-7], 3 Minute Run [RPE 2-3]

2 Minute Run [RPE 6-7], 4 Minute Run [RPE 2-3]

1 Minute Run [RPE 6-7], 5 Minute Run [RPE 2-3]


Ben Stein 

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want."

Clarity about your desires is the first step toward achieving them; knowing what you want is half the battle.

Additional Elements

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