"Body Armor Endurance V3"
EMOM 28 ( 7 rounds)
Complete 8-12 Reps of each
Min 1 | Half kneeling DB shoulder press right
Min 2 | Half kneeling DB shoulder press left
Min 3 | Alternating DB hang clean
Min 4 | Burpees
Rest exactly :30 between sets.
Athletes will likely use 1 DB load for the press and a heavier load for the clean
NOTE | Sunday programming during The Open varies from our traditional format. On Sunday we’ll complete a “Body Armor” style EMOM that focuses on aerobic strength training. This programming is unscored and should be targeting quality movement, full range of motion, and controlled time under tension.
Completed rounds with individually selected rep #.
28 rounds available.
8-12 reps of all movements. Complete in around :45.
Whiteboard Brief
Tabata flow. :20/on :10/off
Specific flow
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
EMOM 28 ( 7 rounds)
Complete 8-12 Reps of each
Min 1 | Half kneeling DB shoulder press right
Min 2 | Half kneeling DB shoulder press left
Min 3 | Alternating DB hang clean
Min 4 | Burpees
Rest exactly :30 between sets.
Athletes will likely use 1 DB load for the press and a heavier load for the clean
“Integrity is not a noun. It’s a verb.”
Just about everyone “knows” right from wrong.
And if one knows right from wrong, they could be said to “have integrity”, as they possess the requisite knowledge. Yet, we know that’s not what real integrity is…The paradigm shift is as powerful as it is simple: every day we are given the chance to live a life of integrity. For some, this may be the sustainment and building upon yesterday.
To others, it’s a new chance. A new chance to begin again, and to change the course of what “was”, to what “is”.Integrity is an every-day-thing. It’s a lens we live our lives through. Yesterday matters, but not nearly as much as right now.
8 Rounds
:20 on / :10 off
Row for calories