Front Squat
Max Repetitions of Front Squats @ 85%
* To Technical Failure
"Common Ground"
30/24 Calorie Row
20 Hang Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
10 Dumbbell Box Step-ups (24"/20")
KG | (22.5/15)
30/24 Calorie Row
10 Double DB Clean & Jerks
10 Double DB Box Step-overs (24"/20")
*DBs (50/35)
KG | (22.5/15)
We are onto week two of our front squat max reps cycle. Athlete’s should be targeting 4-8 repetitions, to technical failure, at 85% of their 1RM. In part 2 we have a great “grindy” piece that will target the full body, and the forearms in particular. Athletes should target a sustainable and highly cyclical pace that will allow them to increase their effort as they progress through the 15 minutes of work.
Rounds and reps
Row | 2:30 or less
DB Snatch | Moderate load. 2 sets or less.
DB Box step ups | “Unbroken”, cyclical effort. :60 or less.
Row sequence
Since athletes are spending a significant amount of this workout on the rower, we’ll focus our teaching on the sequence of movement for maximum performance and efficiency. Teach the sequence as:
Catch | Start with the rower's shins vertical, arms fully extended, and the torso leaning slightly forward from the hips. Grip the handle with both hands, keeping wrists flat. Maintain a relaxed grip to avoid unnecessary tension.
Drive | Initiate the drive phase by pushing through the legs, engaging the legs and glutes. Simultaneously, lean the torso back, maintaining a straight back. Continue to keep the arms extended , moving the handle horizontally from the catch position. The drive phase involves a powerful, coordinated effort from the legs, hips, and arms.
Finish | At the end of the drive, the legs are fully extended, and the rower is leaning back slightly. The handle is pulled to the upper chest, just below the sternum. Keep the wrists flat, and the elbows should be pointing slightly behind the body.
Recovery | Release the arms first, allowing them to fully extend while maintaining a straight back. Once the hands have cleared the knees, begin to bend the knees, sliding the seat forward. The torso follows, leaning forward from the hips. This phase is the "recovery" and is the opposite of the drive.
Decrease volume
2:30 time cap
DB Hang Snatch
Reduce load
Reduce volume
KB Swing
DB hang clean
DB Box Step up
Reduce load
Reduce height
DB alternating lunge
No DB box step ups
Alternating lunge
For the box step ups, a single dumbbell is held on the shoulder.
If you need to manage a large class with limited rowers you can pair athletes up and have one group do the workout in reverse.
Whiteboard Brief
General Flow :20-:30 each
CT Barbell flow :15-:20 each
Row | tell, show, do, check
Catch, drive, finish, recover.
10 Cued, segmented pulls
Call each position “Catch, drive, finish, recover.”
Call each position at a cadence of 22-24 SPM.
Athletes row on their own, maintaining focus on the sequence of catch, drive, finish, recover.
Front Squat | tell, show, do, check
Shoulder-width stance
Hands just outside shoulders
Loose fingertip grip on the bar
Elbows high (upper arm parallel to the ground)
Midline is braced
Focus on high elbows in setup and hold
Bring attention to the bar remaining over the midfoot
Focus on high elbows throughout the rep and in the bottom position
Focus on leading with the elbows as the athlete stands
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
Look For
Sequence. Continue to cue and reinforce the sequence of catch, drive, recover, and finish on the rower.
Leg drive. Cue athletes to finish the full extension of the hips and legs before pulling the DB overhead.
Upright torso. Cue athletes to keep their chest lifted throughout the movement, avoiding a rounded back with their chest facing the ground.
60 Double unders
20 Hang Dumbbell Snatches
10 DB Goblet alternating lunges
“Excitement comes from achievement. Fulfillment comes from the journey.
”Winning the award is exciting. Fulfillment is looking back at the hard work put in.
There’s irony when we think about defining moments. We build up in our minds that accomplishing that “thing” will be the ultimate. And when we get there, hell yeah will it be exciting. But the podium does not change who we are.
The real defining moments were the experiences that led up to those big achievements. The trials, the tribulations, the lessons learned. The early mornings. The late nights. The deep and unforgettable relationships we build through the blood, sweat, and tears.
The dopamine hit comes when we win; when we reach the goal, when we get the promotion. The everlasting fulfillment comes from the journey. And it’s a hell of a drug.
3 Sets
12 Banded lat pull downs
20 Barbell bicep curl