May 20th


Download the week

Strict Press 

Build to Heavy Single 

"Beastie Boys" 

3 Rounds For Total Reps:

1 Minute Wallballs (20/14) 

1 Minute Power Snathches (75/55) 

1 Minute Box Jumps (24"/20") 

1 Minute Push Press (75/55) 

1 Minute Calorie Row 

1 Minute Rest 

KG |

Barbell (34/25) 

Medball (9/6) 


3 Rounds For Total Reps:

1 Minute Wallballs (20/14) 

1 Minute Power Snathches (165/115) 

1 Minute Box Step-overs (50/35)

1 Minute Push Press (165/115) 

1 Minute Calorie Row 

1 Minute Rest

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, we are moving into our “build to a heavy” week.  This allows athletes to find their 1RM after the 12 week strength cycle we have been following.  Allow athletes 10:00 to find their heavy one rep for the day.  In part 2, we have a workout that is very similar to our benchmark “fight gone bad”.  This is a big conditioning piece that relies on our ability to find a working pace with little to no rest between movements.  We don’t want to come out at 100mph, and having our reps dwindle down by round 3.  The goal is to increase intensity as we move to round 3, keeping our rounds consistent.


Total reps.


Wallball | 10+ reps
Power snatch | 10+ reps
Box Jump | 10+ reps
Push press | 10+ reps
Row | 10+ reps

The One | Teaching Focus

Leg Drive
A lot of volume in today's workout, and it can be easy to burn the shoulders early.  Cue athletes to squeeze the legs first to initiate each movement today.


Reduce Reps/Loading/Target
Single Dumbbell Thrusters
Empty Barbell Thrusters
Air Squats

Power snatch
Reduce Loading
Hang Power Snatches
Dumbbell Power Snatches
Kettlebell Swings

Box Jump
Reduce Reps
Reduce Box Height
Box Step-Ups
Squat Jumps
Reverse Lunges

Push Press
Reduce Loading
Sub Kettlebells or Dumbbells
Sub Barbell
Kipping HSPU

Bike Erg
Echo Bike
Assault Bike
Air Run


If you are short on rowers, you can start a group 1 or 2 min behind to ensure each athletes works through the same order.

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Provide workout overview
  • Review stimulus notes
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

General Flow 

  • Get out medballs and barbells
  • 1:00 row
  • 0:20 medball deadlifts
  • 0:20 medball front squat
  • 0:20 medball shoulder press
  • 0:20 box step ups
  • 0:20 box step downs
  • 0:20 medball ground to overhead
  • 0:20 medball slams
  • 0:20 row
  • 0:20 medball thruster
  • 0:20 box jumps
  • 0:20 wallballs

Snatch Barbell Flow

  • 0:15 snatch grip stiff leg deadlift
  • 0:15 snatch grip deadlift +shrug
  • 0:15 goodmorning
  • 0:15 snatch grip behind neck press
  • 0:15 snatch grip dip + high pull

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

Snatch | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance and grip

Hip width stance

Wide grip / wide enough to perform PVC pass through with no elbow bend

Full grip on bar

Bar in contact with shins

Shoulders slightly over the bar

  • 3 cued reps position 1 (mid thigh / hip)

Focus on full extension before pulling and catching

Hold landing position

  • 3 Cued reps position 2 (above knee)

Focus on keeping the bar close throughout

Hold landing position

  • 3 Cued reps position 3 (mid shin)

PushPress | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance & grip

Feet hip width apart

Hands just outside shoulders with full grip

Bar in contact with shoulders

Elbows slightly in front in bar

  • 3 Cued dip and hold

Focus on upright torso

  • 3 Cued dip hold fast stand

Focus on hard extension of knees and hips

  • 3 Cued push press

Focus on extending the hips and knees before pressing

Hold top position, look for stacked position overhead

Strict Press | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance & grip

Feet hip width apart

Hands just outside shoulders with full grip

Bar in contact with shoulders

Elbows slightly in front in bar

  • 3 Cued reps

Focus on “cylinder of strength”

Squeezed legs, butt, & stomach.

  • 3 Cued reps

Focus on chin back first.

(21-33 minutes)

  • 10:00 window
  • Builds based on coach or athlete discretion
  • Transition to part 2

(33-39 minutes)

Practice Round 

  • 5 Wallballs
  • 3 Power Snatches
  • 5 Box Jumps
  • 3 Push Press
  • 5 Calorie Row


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-57 minutes)

Look For

  • Wall ball

Throw Timing. Emphasize a strong and explosive hip extension followed by a coordinated throw. The ball should leave the hands at the peak of the jump.

  • Snatch

Driving through the legs to push the bar off the floor rather than pull it off the floor with the upper body. Cue athletes to drive through the heels and then jump before pulling with the arms.

  • Box Jump

Landing Technique: Emphasize a soft and controlled landing on the box to minimize impact on joints. Athletes should land with their entire foot on the box, ensuring the knees do not collapse inward.

  • Push Press

Timing. Look for athletes to wait until they reach full extension of the legs and hips before pressing.

  • Row

Leg drive before arms pull. Cue athletes to squeeze their legs before pulling the handle with the arms.

  •  Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60 Minutes)

Additional Elements

Home Workout

3 Rounds For Total Reps:
1 Minute Goblet Squats
1 Minute Alt DB snatch
1 Minute Double Unders
1 Minute DB Push Press
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Rest


"As I walked through the door to my freedom, I knew that if I did not leave all the anger, hatred and bitterness behind... I would still be in prison." Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was sentenced to 27 years in prison.
He had no bed.
He was routinely put in solitary confinement, with no end in sight.
He at one point was thrown into an empty grave, where he was sure he was about to be killed. But was instead, he was urinated on by the prison guards. For their humor.

What he went through is something no human being should ever have to endure.

Yet, to his inauguration ceremony as president of South Africa, he invited one of his former jailers. On another occasion, he invited out to lunch the man who tried to get him sentenced to death (instead of prison). And on his 20th anniversary of his release, Nelson invited a third jailor to dinner with his wife.

When asked why he would do this, why he would invite the very same people that tried to make his life miserable, he replied:  “If I did not... I would still be in prison.”

After Party

1 Set
30 Strict Pull Ups
50 Push Ups

Have questions?

Reach out!

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