
Feb 14

Three Pointer

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Bench Press

3 Sets: 

2 Bench Press   

- Rest 20 Seconds - 

3 Lying Medball Chest Throws (14/10)

* Build In Weight To Technical Failure 

* Aim for ~83-90% of 1RM 

* Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets

"Three Pointer"

5 Rounds For Total Reps: 

Minute 1: Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35)'s 

Minute 2: Bike Erg Calories 

Minute 3: Toes to Bar 

Minute 4: Rest 

KG | (22.5/15)’s


13-15 & 55+ | (35/25)'s

KG | (15/11)’s



KG | (32/22.5)’s

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, This is the sixth week of our 8-week PowerBuilding Cycle. This cycle incorporates ten lifts and alternates between hypertrophy-focused (higher rep) and absolute strength-focused (lower rep) weeks, ensuring balanced development.  We're contrasting heavy bench press with light medball chest throws to stimulate power development. BE EXPLOSIVE in your medball throws. Moving with as much speed as you can is what stimulates the body to become more explosive.  In part 2, Today's workout is an interval-style workout with alternating movements, allowing for a wider range of muscle groups to be targeted. We're aiming to improve our lactate threshold (ability to fend off fatigue). This is best done by working at or just above the fastest pace we could hold for 20-30 minutes.


Score: Total Reps


Target Score: 180-300 Reps 

Stimulus: Lactate Threshold [RPE 6-7]

All Movements: Pick weights/variations for each station that allow you to complete 12 or more reps.

The One | Teaching Focus

Feet on the Ground

Feet should stay flat on the floor throughout the lift.

Generates leg drive and improves stability.


To maximize your score, pace the Echo Bike well and work at a steady pace, as this is the hardest movement to get a high amount of reps at without large amounts of fatigue. 

Really attack the movement you are best at and simply work diligently at the other movements. 

To maximize the training stimulus of this workout, take each set of bench presses and toes to bar to muscular fatigue (the point in which a rep becomes challenging or slows) and work at a moderately hard pace on the Echo Bike.



Reduce Loading
Sub Barbell (135/95)
Hand-Release Push-ups
Floor Press
Weighted Deficit Push-Ups


Bike Erg
Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 10m)


Toes To As High As Possible
Knees To Chest
Hanging Knee Raises
GHD Sit-Ups


Athletes can share equipment today and start on a different station.  If your class is still too big for everyone to share benches, change the DB bench press to a DB floor press. 

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow

  • 3:00 Bike
  • 0:30 Pec Stretch (right) (on wall or rig)
  • 0:30 Pec Stretch (left) (on wall or rig)
  • 0:30 Ring Handcuff Stretch
  • 0:30 Spiderman Stretch
  • 0:20 Hollow Hold
  • 0:20 Hollow Body Rocks

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-19 minutes)

Toes to Bar | tell, show, do, check 

  • :10 dead hang 
  • :10 scap pull ups 
  • 5 Press away kip swings 
  • 5 Strict Hanging knee tuck 
  • 5 Kipping Leg Raises
  • Full TTB or modification

Bench Press | tell, show, do, check

  • 5 Barbell scapular retractions 
  • 3 Tempo empty bar bench press 
  • 3 second negative, 1 second hold, powerful press
  • Focus on maintaining position on bench 
  • 3 Tempo empty bar bench press 
  • Focus on “breaking the bar” throughout the rep. 
  • 3 second negative, 1 second hold, powerful press
  • 5 Medball Chest Press
  • 3 Medball Chest Throws

(21-33 minutes)

(19 - 34 minutes)

  • Build In Weight To Technical Failure 
  • Aim for ~83-90% of 1RM 
  • Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets
  • Be sure athletes are resting at least 0:20 between bench press and medball throws

(33-39 minutes)

(34 - 40 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 5 Dumbbell Bench Press
  • 5 Calorie Bike
  • 5 Toes To Bar


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(40 - 59 minutes)

Look For

  • DB Bench Press:  Be sure athletes are keeping their feet on the floor, encourage them to drive through their feet through the floor as they press. 
  • Bike: The legs get a break in the other minutes, so encourage athletes to try and hold a high RPM.
  • Toes To Bar: We want at least 12 reps here, athletes can complete smaller sets if needed.  Though we should scale the movement if we cannot complete 12+ reps. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (59-60)

Accessory Work

Run Conditioning

5 Rounds: 

600 Meter Run [RPE 7-8]

400 Meter Run [RPE 2-3]


Robert Fulghum 

"Peace is not something you wish for. It's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away."

Peace is an active practice; it’s something you cultivate within yourself and share with others.

Additional Elements

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