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"Six Flags" 

6 Rounds x AMRAP 4: 

12 Single Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks (70/50) 

400 Meter Run

Max Calorie Bike Erg

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds 

* Lowest Calorie Round

KG | 32/22.5


13-15 & 55+ | (50/35)



6 Rounds x AMRAP 4: 

6 Bar Muscle-ups

400 Meter Run

Max Calorie Echo Bike 

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds 

Score: Lowest Calorie Round

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


Our goal in our interval training today is to have at least 1:00 or more to complete as many calories as possible on the bike.  We should only take about 1 minute to complete our DB reps, while being able to alternate arms however we would like.  Though, we must complete 6 reps on each arm.


Score | Lowest Round of Bike Calories.


Single DB Hang Clean and Jerks | These are heavily programmed today.  We want a challenging load, but still able to move efficiently and safely. 

Run | we should take no longer than 2:15 here.

Bike | High effort to get as many calories as we can, we should remain consistent across the round.

The One | Teaching Focus

Shoulder Stability in Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk

Today’s focus is on maintaining shoulder stability during the dumbbell hang clean and jerk. Proper shoulder stability is essential for controlling the dumbbell throughout the movement, particularly during the overhead press portion. Engaging the shoulder stabilizers helps prevent injury, improves balance, and allows for a more efficient and powerful lift.




Reduce Loading/Reps
Dumbbell Snatch
Kettlebell Swing
Barbell Hang Clean & Jer
Barbell Hang Power Snatch

400M RUN

2:30 Time Cap
500/450m Row
400/360m Ski
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
1,000/900m Bike Erg
2:00 Moderate Effort on Treadmill/Runner*
16 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 25ft down & back)


Echo Bike


For classes you can start athletes in two groups, the second group 2:00 behind.  Or switch out the bike for a different machine. 

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow 0:20-0:30 Each

  • Bike (30 seconds)
  • Arm Circles
  • Samson Stretch
  • Spiderman Lunges
  • Good Mornings
  • Leg Swings (Front and Side)
  • Air Squats
  • Inchworms
  • Bike (30 seconds)
  • Lateral Shuffles
  • Quick Feet Drill
  • High Knees
  • Bike (30 seconds)

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-19 minutes)

DB Warm-Up for Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks | Tell, Show, Do, Check

  • 0:20 Alternating Single DB Deadlift (Light Load)
  • Look for hips to drop slightly and the chest to stay proud throughout each rep.
  • 0:20 Alternating Single DB Deadlift + High Pull (Light Load)
  • Emphasize full hip extension before pulling the dumbbell. Watch for athletes to drive through their legs rather than just using their arms.
  • 0:20 Single DB Push Press (Each Arm) (Light Load)
  • Look for a strong finish with the dumbbell stacked directly over the body, bicep close to the ear, and core tight.
  • 0:20 Alternating Single DB Hang Clean (Light Load)
  • Focus on hips extending fully before pulling the dumbbell up to the shoulder, while keeping the torso tall and controlled.
  • 0:20 Single DB Push Jerk (Each Arm) (Light Load)
  • Watch for an explosive leg drive and smooth dip under the dumbbell for a solid lockout.
  • 0:20 Alternating Single DB Hang Clean & Jerk (Workout Load)
  • Ensure athletes fully extend their hips on the clean and drive through the legs on the jerk. Look for smooth transitions between the two movements and a strong, locked-out finish.

(21-33 minutes)


(33-39 minutes)

(19-25 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 4 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks
  • 200m Run
  • 0:30 Bike


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(25-55 minutes)

Look For

  • DB Hang Clean and Jerks | Look for our teaching focus today, athletes need to maintain good shoulder stability for a heavy DB overhead.  If athletes start to move with poor form, drop down the loading. 
  • Run | It is important to hit the time frame today, if we cannot we should modify it. 
  • Bike | Encourage athletes to push the pace in order to try and get the same amount of calories each round. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (55-60)

Accessory Work


For Quality: 

400 Meter Sled Push (Bodyweight) 



Everett Dirksen 

 "I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times." 

 Balance strong principles with the flexibility to adapt to new situations; rigidity can hinder growth.

Additional Elements

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