"Rope Toe"
For Time:
30-20-10 Toes to Bar
1,000/900 Meter Bike Erg
Directly Into...
3-2-1 Rope Climbs (15')
1,000/900 Meter Bike Erg
Time Cap: 28 Minutes
Same as class
We've got a really fun gymnastics and cardio pairing today with big volume on that midline and grip! Since there is no rest between each couplet we should try to find a sustainable pace out the gate and maintain or build on that as we get deeper into this one.
Score | Total time to complete work
Toes to Bar | 4/3/2 sets or less respectively.
Rope Climbs | Around :60
Bike Erg | Around 2:00
Rope Climb Sequence.
Provide plenty of cueing to encourage the proper sequence of action on the rope climb with the reach, tuck, clamp, stand.
Reduce Reps
Toes To As High As Possible
Knees To Chest
Sit-Ups V-Ups
1000m Bike
Reduce Distance
Time Cap
500m Row
400m Ski
400m Run
300m Air Run
Rope Climbs
Reduce Height
Reduce Reps
2 Lay to Stand Climb
3 Strict Pull-Ups = 1 Rope
4 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows = 1 Rope
5 Ring Rows = 1 Rope
5 Toes To Bar = 1 Rope
If you’re limited on bikes and need to manage a large class you can split athletes up into 2 groups and delay the start time, however it’s likely athletes will still end up having to wait on a bike with this format. Another option would be to add in another machine (or run) and have athletes alternate which machines they use.
Whiteboard Brief
General Flow
Rig Prep :10 - :15 each
TTB | tell, show, do, check
Rope | tell, show, do, check
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
Look For
Hand Positioning.
Instruct athletes on different hand positions on the handlebars to vary muscle engagement and reduce discomfort during longer rides.
Rope Climbs
Athletes following the reach, tuck, clamp, stand sequence to maximize efficiency on their rope climb.
Shoulder Position.
Check that the shoulders remain in a neutral position, avoiding excessive shrugging or unnecessary tension in the upper traps.
For Time:
30-20-10 V-ups
400m Run
Directly Into...
8-6-4 Devils press
400m Run
“If you know your opponent, but not yourself, you will lose 100% of the time.” – Samurai Proverb
To “keep up with the Jones” is an old expression about competitive neighbors. A power struggle - or perhaps better said popularity struggle - of status on the block. To “keep up”, one must be on top of their investigative game, predicting the next big move so they can outmatch. That may be a nicer lawn or a fancier family Christmas card.
As we visualize these friendly rivals battling it out on the block, it’s safe to say that both sides... will lose. There won’t be a winner there.
We can study our competition to great length. And, we will indeed learn some absolutely beneficial statistics. But all the external statistics in the world won’t move us forward until we turn the investigative glasses to: ourselves.
3 Rounds
10 Strict pull ups
100’ Heavy farmers carry