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Sumo Deadlift

3 Sets:

1 Sumo Deadlift

* Same Weight Across

* Aim For 89% 1RM

“Pet Peeve”

4 Rounds For Time:

400 Meter Run

8 Power Snatches (115/85)

8 Dumbbell Box Step-ups (20")

Double Dumbbells: (50/35)'s

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

KG | (52/38), (22.5/15)’s


13-15 & 55+: (95/65), (50/35)’s

KG | (43/29), (22.5/15)’s


4 Rounds For Time:

400 Meter Run

8 Power Snatches (135/95)

8 Dumbbell Box Step-ups (20")

Double Dumbbells: (50/35)'s

KG | (61/43), (22.5/15)’s

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, This is the fourth and final week of our sumo deadlift base progression cycle. Aim to work up to 89% of your 1RM sumo deadlift max, then complete all three sets at that load as long as you can maintain good form.  In part 2, Today's workout will improve your threshold and make your body more fatigue-resistant. Try to work at a steady, challenging effort throughout the entire workout to avoid big swings in your pace.


Score | Time


Target Score: 12:00-16:00

Stimulus: Moderate Loading

Run: Should be completed in 2:15 or less. Run at a moderate pace that allows you to get right to work on the power snatches.

Power Snatches: Choose a barbell weight that allows these to be completed in under 1:30. Cycling singles will likely be the fastest option for most people. 

DB Box Step-ups: Alternate legs every rep on the step-ups and hold the dumbbells farmers carry-style. Men and women use the same box height. Choose a dumbbell weight that allows these to be completed in under 1:00.

The One | Teaching Focus

Drive Through the Heels in Sumo Deadlift

Today’s focus is on driving through the heels during the sumo deadlift. This ensures you’re engaging your posterior chain—glutes, hamstrings, and lower back—effectively while maintaining proper balance and control. Pushing through the heels helps generate more power and reduces unnecessary strain on your lower back by encouraging the right muscle groups to work together.


Today's strategy should be to work at a steady pace, never feeling limited at any one of the movements. If you begin to feel a movement become a limiter, moderate your pace on the other movements. 

Example: If your box step-ups begin to fatigue and slow down, try cycling your power snatches slower or running at a slightly slower pace.


400M RUN

2:30 Time Cap
500/450m Row
400/360m Ski
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
1,000/900m Bike Erg
2:00 Moderate Effort on Treadmill/Runner
32 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 10m)
30 Burpees


Reduce Loading/Reps
Hang Power Snatches
Dumbbell Power Snatches
Kettlebell Swings
Power Cleans 


Reduce Reps/Loading/Box Height
Sub Kettlebells
Dumbbell Forward/Reverse Lunges
Goblet Squats


1000m/900m Bike Erg
500m/450m Row
20/17 Calorie Echo/Fan Bike
40 Shuttle Runs
120 Double Unders / 180 Single Unders
60 Box Step-Ups
80 Mountain Climbers


There are a lot of moving parts in today's workout, therefore room set up is important.  First, ensure safety.  Athletes should have plenty of room to complete snatches and step ups without interfering with other athletes movements.  

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow (Grab PVC Pipe)

  • 0:30 PVC Passhtrough 
  • 0:30 PVC Around the Worlds
  • 0:30 Deep Squat Hold
  • 0:30 Alternating Reverse Lunges
  • 0:30 PVC Overhead Squat
  • 0:30 Box Step Downs (Tempo on the way down)
  • 0:30 Pogo Hops
  • 0:30 High Knees (In place)
  • 0:30 Alternating Step Ups

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-21 minutes)

Power Snatch | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance & grip
  • Feet hip width apart 
  • Hands wide with full grip on the bar (wide enough to do a pass through without bending elbows) 
  • Bar in contact with shins
  • Shoulders slightly over the bar 
  • Eyes on the horizon 
  • 5 Snatch dip + drive
  • Focus on speed through the middle
  • 5 Snatch high pull
  • Focus on bar close 
  • 3 Cued Snatch
  • Elbows beat the feet 

Sumo Deadlift | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance, grip, & set up
  • Double shoulder width stance
  • Toes Slightly pointed out
  • Arms hang straight down (hand inside knees)
  • Shoulders directly over bar
  • Knees track over toes
  • Chest pulled up & eyes on the horizon 
  • 5 Cued reps Shin to knee
  • Focus on Keeping the Chest Up
  • Reinforce keeping the chest elevated throughout the lift to prevent rounding of the lower back.
  •  5 Cued reps Sumo deadlifts
  • Focus on Spreading the Floor
  • Encourage athletes to imagine spreading the floor apart with their feet to engage the outer hips and glutes more effectively.
  • 3 Cued Sumo Deadlifts at light load

(21-33 minutes)

(21-33 minutes)

  • 6:00 to Build to Working Weight
  • 6:00 to Complete 3 Working Sets
  • 3 Sets of 3 at 89%
  • Transition to part 2

(33-39 minutes)

(33-39 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 100m Run (Hard)
  • 8 Power Snatches at Workout Weight
  • 8 Box Step-ups at Workout Weight


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(39-57 minutes)

Look For

  • Run: Athletes should choose a pace that allows them to come in and get right to work on the power snatches, if they are having to rest a lot encourage them to pull back a little  on the next run.
  • Power Snatches: We want athletes to complete this in 1:30, while for most singles is the best option they need to be done fast and efficiently. 
  • Step Ups: These are sneaky, the grip and low back will start to fatigue here, encourage athletes to step up by leading with their chest to avoid any low back issues. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)

Accessory Work

Gun Show

4 Sets

Set 1: Big Set Strict Pull-ups

Set 2: Big Set Strict Chin-ups

Set 3: Big Set Banded Strict Pull-ups

Set 4: Big Set Banded Strict Chin-ups

Rest 1 Minutes Between All Sets



"Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly."

Self-awareness is the foundation for personal growth and expression.

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