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"Parti Time"

For Time [40 Minute Cap]:

300 Double Unders

2 Mile Run

100 Toes to Bar

* Partition However You'd Like



13-15 & 55+ | Same as class


Same as class.

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


Get ready to tackle a true test of endurance and skill with today’s workout! You’ll be jumping, running, and swinging through a high-volume mix of double-unders, a two-mile run, and toes to bar. The beauty of this workout lies in your ability to partition the movements as you see fit, so strategize wisely to maintain a steady pace throughout.  Aim for consistency across all parts to make the most of the 40-minute cap. This is your chance to push your limits and refine your pacing strategy in a multifaceted challenge!


Score | Total time. If you get time capped, enter 1 second for every missed rep. Every 100m of running will equal 1 rep.


Double Unders | Reps should take less than 5:00 total.

Run | The total distance should take less than 20:00 total.

Toes To Bar | Reps should take less than 5:00 total.

The One | Teaching Focus

Today we want to be sure we help athletes find the best workout for them.  It may look different for everyone. If any of these movements tend to break down easy for someone they should consider smaller sets.  The overall goal today is to stay moving for the 40 min.  We shouldn't get too hung up anywhere.




Reduce Reps
450 Single Unders
Plate Hops
300 Reps of Singles & Doubles (Mix of Both)
900 Total Meters on Ski Erg
4:00 Accumulated On Any Machine


3200/2400m Ski
4000/3200m Row
8000/6400m Bike
200/160 Calorie Echo/Assault
16:00 Time Accumulated on Air Runner/Treadmill


Reduce Reps
Kipping Toes To As High As Possible
Kipping Knees To Chest
Sit-Ups/Hollow Rocks
V-Ups/Alternating V-Ups


 A few option to partition today:

Divide the work into consistent rounds (4 Rounds, 10 Rounds, etc.)

Alternate between sets of double unders and toes to bar until all of that work is done and finish with the 2 mile run

Alternate between double unders and toes to bar until your toes to bar start to break down, complete a 1 mile run, then come back to the double unders and toes to bar until the work is done, then complete the second mile. 

Start with a run and finish with a run

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow 0:20 each

  • Jump Rope (Single Unders)
  • Dynamic Leg Swings (Front and Side)
  • Active Spidermans
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kicks
  • 200m Jog
  • Scapular Pull-Ups
  • Hollow Holds
  • Kipping Swings
  • Air Squats
  • Plank Shoulder Taps
  • Jump Rope (Double Under Practice)
  • 100m Run

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-14 minutes)

Toes-to-Bar Warm-Up | Tell, Show, Do, Check

  • 0:20 Active Hang
  • Athletes should hang from the bar while engaging their shoulders, pulling them down and away from the ears.
  • Emphasize maintaining a hollow body position with the core tight and feet slightly in front.
  • 0:20 Hanging Knee Raises
  • Focus on bringing the knees up towards the chest while keeping the upper body stable.
  • Watch for athletes maintaining control and avoiding excessive swinging.
  • 0:20 Kip Swings
  • Athletes should practice the kipping motion by transitioning smoothly between the hollow and arch positions.
  • Encourage athletes to keep the core tight and control their rhythm, using the shoulders and lats to drive the swing.
  • 0:20 Kipping Leg Raises
  • Move to leg raises with straight legs, aiming to lift the feet as high as possible while maintaining core tension.
  • Look for athletes to maintain a strong grip and avoid bending the knees or losing control on the descent.
  • 0:20 Toes-to-Bar (Scaled as Needed)
  • Transition to toes-to-bar, focusing on a smooth kip, consistent rhythm, and controlled contact of the feet to the bar.
  • Watch for athletes engaging the core, using the lats, and avoiding excessive swinging after each rep.

(21-33 minutes)


(33-39 minutes)

(14-20 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 15 Double Unders
  • 200m Run
  • 5 Toes to Bar


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(20-60 minutes)

Look For

  • Run | Athletes should choose an option that keeps them running at a solid pace the whole time.  If they are not good at running a longer distance like a mile, or 800 then they should choose smaller distances. 
  • Double Under | Athletes should choose smart sets here, we want them to be able to stay moving without getting tripped up too much. 
  • Toes to Bar | Look for athletes to push down on the bar in their kip to get the toes higher. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (60)

Accessory Work

"Papa Bear" (Durability) 

For Quality: 

400 Meter Bear Hug Double Plate Carry

Weight: @weight(90/70) 


W. Clement Stone 

"No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto."

Planning is essential, but it's your passion and energy in pursuing goals that turn them into reality.

Additional Elements

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