
Sep 24

One On One Time

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"One On One Time" 

For Total Time: 

500/450 Meter Bike Erg 

200 Meter Run

250/225 Meter Row 

Rest 3:00

1,000/900 Meter Bike Erg

400 Meter Run 

500/450 Meter Row 

Rest 6:00

2,000/1,800 Meter Bike Erg

800 Meter Run 

1,000/900 Meter Row 

Time Cap: 40 Minutes


13-15 & 55+ | Same as class


Same as class.

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


Gear up for a progressive endurance challenge: start with a quick round of biking, running, and rowing, and then increase your distances in each of the following rounds. Each effort is followed by a rest period that should be equal to the time you spent working, helping you recover and prepare for the next set. Manage your pace to maintain intensity throughout the workout, especially as the distances grow. With a 40-minute cap, use your rest wisely to stay sharp and finish strong!


Score | Time to complete, add 1s for every rep not complete.


Bike | Around 1:00 - 2:00 4:00.  

Run | Around 1:00 - 2:00 4:00.  

Row | Around 1:00 - 2:00 4:00. 

The One | Teaching Focus

Lactate Threshold

Lactate threshold is the intensity at which the body starts to produce lactate faster than it can be cleared away. This is the point where fatigue starts to increase noticeably, but it’s not yet an all-out effort.

Pacing: Emphasize the importance of starting at a brisk, sustainable pace where athletes can still speak in short phrases. Encourage maintaining or slightly increasing this effort through the segments, avoiding the urge to “redline” or reach complete exhaustion.

Effort Level: Guide athletes to target a 7-8 out of 10 in effort—challenging yet manageable. Use subjective feelings and, if available, heart rate to stay within this zone.




Reduce distance
12/10 - 25/20 - 50/40 Calories Echo/Assault Bike
12/10 - 25/20 - 50/40 Calories Ski Erg
8 - 16 -32 Shuttle Runs


You can have athletes start on different pieces, if you are short on machines.  For example: group 1 starts on row, group 2 runs, and group three bikes.

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-8 minutes)

Line drill warm up 25’ each

  • Quad pulls
  • Knuckle draggers
  • Standing figure 4 
  • Lunge with reach
  • Knee pulls with calf raise
  • Side lunges
  • Inch worms

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(8-14 minutes)

Tabata Row warm up

  • 4 rounds | :20 on / :10 off
  • The goal is to build effort in our 4 rounds.  Starting with a easy pace and ending with a hard effort.
  • Use this time to look for faults in the row.  Focus today on keeping the heels down, and driving through the heels as we pull.

Tabata Bike warm up

  • 4 rounds | :20 on / :10 off
  • The goal is to build effort in our 4 rounds.  Starting with a easy pace and ending with a hard effort.
  • Use this time to look for faults in the bike.  Look for athletes to have a good posture.  We want the chest up as we bike, so we can breathe better.

(21-33 minutes)


(33-39 minutes)

(14-20 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 200m Bike Erg
  • 100m Run
  • 150m Row


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(20-60 minutes)

Look For

  • On all of our movements we are looking to maintain our effort as our rounds get longer.  Athletes should not seem like they are redlining at any point, we want a threshold effort throughout. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (60)

Accessory Work

Killer Core 

3 Giant Sets For Quality

10 Pallof Press (Each Side)

10 Elevated Prone Knee to Elbows (Each Side)

50' Suitcase Farmers Carry (Each Side)

Rest 1 Minute Between Giant Sets 


Byron Pulsifer 

 "Your destiny isn't just fate; it is how you use your own developed abilities to get what you want."

You have the power to shape your future through your actions and the skills you cultivate.

Additional Elements

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