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"Oil & Water"

3 Rounds x AMRAP 5:

30/24 Calorie Row 

15 Burpees

30 Wallballs (20/14) 

15 Burpees 

* Rest 5 Minutes Between Rounds 

* Pick-up Where You Left Off

KG | 9/6


13-15 & 55+ | (20/10) to 9'

KG | 9/4.5


3 Rounds x AMRAP 5:

30/24 Calorie Row 

20 Wallballs @wallball(30/20) 

10 Wall Walks 

* Rest 5 Minutes Between Rounds 

* Pick-up Where You Left Off

KG | 13/9

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


With equal work/rest time, look to move with a purpose and push the pace each interval. The row and wallballs should each take 2:00 or less to complete, with the burpees taking about 1:00 to complete. Following the rest period, pick up where you left off in the prior AMRAP.


Score: Rounds + Reps


Target Score: 2.5-5 Rounds

Stimulus: VO2 Max [RPE 7-8]

Row: 2:00 or less.

Burpees: About 1:00

Wallballs: 2:00 or less, should be able to complete 10 unbroken at a time.

The One | Teaching Focus

Burpee Efficiency

Encourage athletes to be quick to and off the floor, emphasize their rest to be at the top where they can breathe better.  Athletes can also step up from the burpees to avoid the heart rate increasing too much.


Today's intervals allow room to push the pace! Identify the one movement that gives you the most trouble and build the workout around that. 

If burpees are the most challenging movement, pace the row and take frequent, short breaks on the wallballs so you can remain crisp on your burpees and have minimum wasted movement.

If the wallballs are the most challenging for you, pace the set of burpees that come before the wallballs. Once you are past the wallballs, pick the pace back up and push the row, as that is a great place to make up time.



2:15 Time Cap
25/20 Calorie Ski
30/24 Calorie Bike Erg
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
400m Run
2:00 Effort on Treadmill/Runner
32 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 10m)


Reduce Reps 
1:15 Time Cap 
10 Calories On Any Machine
No Push-Up Burpee
30 Mountain Climbers
30 Air Squats
Box Jumps
16 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 10m)


Reduce Reps/Loading/Target Height
Single Dumbbell Thrusters
Empty Barbell Thrusters
Wallball Thrusters
No Squat Wallballs
45 Air Squats


If classes are large, have the second group start on the 5:00 rest. 

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-11 minutes)

General Flow

  • 2:00 Row
  • 0:30 Pigeon (right)
  • 0:30 Pigeon (left)
  • 0:30 Spiderman
  • 0:30 Upward Dog Press Ups
  • 0:30 Scorpions
  • 0:20 Mountain Climbers
  • 0:20 Quick Ups
  • 0:20 Push Ups
  • 0:20 Burpees

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(11-21 minutes)

Wallball | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance, grip, & set up
  • Squat stance 
  • Arms length away from wall
  • Hands on outside of medball
  • Medball in front rack
  • Elbows down
  • 0:20 of each
  • Medball deadlifts
  • Medball front squat
  • Focus on chest up
  • Medball shoulder press
  • Medball thruster
  • Focus on aggressive hips out of the squat
  • Medball dip + throw
  • Focus on hips to hands to throw the medball
  • Wallballs
  • Focus on chest up in the squat

(21-33 minutes)

(33-39 minutes)

(21-27 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 10 Calorie Row
  • 10 Wallballs
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Wallballs
  • 10 Calorie Row


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(27-52 minutes)

Look For

  • Row: Look for athletes to approach the row with strong pulls, and use the return as a recovery each time.  We do not want athletes to be burnt out once they get off the rower. 
  • Burpees: If athletes start to slow down, encourage a step up from the burpee to keep them moving steadily. 
  • Wallball: Encourage explosiveness out of the squat.

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (52-60)

Accessory Work

Bulletproof Shoulders


3 Sets For Quality: 

10 Single Arm Strict Press (R) 

10 Single Arm Strict Press (L) 

* Opposite Arm In Support Position Overhead 


4 Sets For Quality: 

50' Mixed Dumbbell Overhead/Rack Carry (R/L)

50' Mixed Dumbbell Overhead/Rack Carry (L/R) 

* Rest 2 Minutes Between All Sets


Dalai Lama 

 "If we have a positive mental attitude, then even when surrounded by hostility, we shall not lack inner peace."

A positive mindset can protect your peace, even in difficult or hostile situations.

Additional Elements

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