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Back Squats 

3 Sets: 

2 Back Squats 

* Same Weight Across 

* Aim For ~86%

"Nerds Rope" 

AMRAP 10: 

1-2-3...Devil Cleans (50/35)'s

30 Double Unders

KG | 22.5/15


13-15 & 55+ | (35/20)

KG | 15/10


Same as class

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, We are continuing our Linear Progression cycle. Keep in mind that all our percentages are based on technical failure and not simply completion regardless of mechanics and quality.  Essentially the name of the game with this cycle is that it starts challenging and stays challenging. The challenge only increases due to fatigue, not due to increased load.  In part 2, This 10-minute AMRAP combines full-body strength and conditioning.  After each set of squat cleans, you’ll hit 30 double unders, spiking your heart rate and testing your cardio under fatigue. The key is to stay smooth and controlled on the squat cleans, finding a consistent rhythm on the double unders to keep moving. As the reps climb, focus on maintaining your form and pacing to maximize rounds!


Score | Total Rounds and Reps. 


Devil Clean | This is a Dumbbell Burpee Squat Clean.  Chest must touch the ground between the DBs, before swinging them up for the squat clean.  Should be able to complete 6 reps on the minute. 

Double Unders | Unbroken and consistent sets.

The One | Teaching Focus

Chest Up

Cue athletes to keep their chest lifted and shoulders back throughout the movement.

Maintaining an upright torso helps prevent forward lean and keeps the bar path over the midfoot for better balance and control.




Reduce Loading
Burpee Power Clean
DB Squat Cleans
Front Squats


Reduce Reps
1.5x Single Unders
Plate Hops
6 Burpees 
0:30 Effort On Any Machine 


We have burpee squat cleans once before, these reps are meant to be a true squat clean.  We still want athletes to reach full hip extension before pulling under the DBs. 

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow 0:20 Each

  • Jump Rope (Easy Pace Singles)
  • Arm Circles
  • Scorpions
  • Samson Stretch
  • Spiderman Lunges
  • Air Squats
  • Bootstraps
  • Jump Rope (Fast Singles)
  • Inchworms
  • Lateral Lunges
  • Good Mornings
  • High Knees
  • Leg Swings (Front and Side)
  • Jump Rope (Double Unders)

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-23 minutes)

Devil Clean | tell, show, do, check

  • 3 Burpee Deadlifts
  • DBs should be between the legs
  • 3 DB Hang Power Cleans
  • Bring the DBs from in between the legs
  • 3 DB Front Squats
  • Look for athletes to have an upright torso
  • 3 DB Hang Squat Cleans
  • DBs come from in between the legs
  • Look for athletes to have fast elbows and an upright torso
  • 3 Burpee Squat Cleans

Back Squat | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance, grip, & set-up
  • Feet shoulder width apart
  • Bar on traps with full grip on bar 
  • Arms pressing into bar 
  • Stomach squeezed 
  • 5 Goodmornings
  • Focus on gripping the ground with the foot throughout 
  • 3 Tempo back squats
  • Focus on gripping the ground with the foot throughout 
  • 3 Cued back squats
  • “Squat and hold” 
  • Focus on an upright torso in the squat 
  • Cue athletes to press up into the bar with the arms to control the load
  • 3 Cued back squats
  • Count out the tempo for each rep, so athletes understand what we are looking for.
  • Move to rack & teach sound un-rack and re-rack

(21-33 minutes)

(23-35 minutes)

  • 6:00 to Build to Working Weight
  • 6:00 to Complete 3 Working Sets
  • 3 Sets of 2 at 86%
  • Transition to part 2

(33-39 minutes)

(35-41 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 2 DB Devil Cleans 
  • 15 Double Unders


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(41-51 minutes)

Look For

  • DB Devil Cleans | While it is technically aloud for athletes to pull under the DBs quickly before catching in the squat, we still want to encourage them to get a full hip extension on each rep of the squat clean. 
  • Double Unders | These reps will add up quickly, encouraging athletes to stay relaxed and smooth.

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (51-60)

Accessory Work

Lethal Legs


3x8 Deep KOT Lunge (Each Side) 

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets 


3 Minutes Backwards Walking Sled Drag


Tony Robbins - "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped."

The choices you make determine the course of your life.

Additional Elements

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