"My Little Friend" [TEAM VERSION]
[AMRAP 30]:
Bike Erg Calories*
Double Unders (Each)
Barbell Reps
Round 1: 60 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
Round 2: 90 Snatches (115/85)
Round 3: Max Thrusters (95/65)
* FFF Calories: 48-72-96
* FMM Calories: 56-84-112
* FFM Calories: 52-78-104
KG | (61/43), (52/38.6), (43/29.5)
13-15 & 55+ | (115/85), (95/65), (75/55)
KG | (52/38.6), (43/29.5), (34/24)
3 Rounds For Time:
30 Dumbbell Reps (70/50)
2,000/1,800 Meter Echo Bike
100 Double Unders
Round 1: Dumbbell Thrusters (Single Arm)
Round 2: Dumbbell Snatches
Round 3: Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
KG | 32/22.5
One partner works a time on all movements except double unders. Complete double unders with your own rope at the same time. The first teammate to complete the jump rope can advance to the barbell. Choose weights that allow for 1-5 reps a time for clean & jerks and snatches and 5-10 reps at a time on thrusters. Teams should have at least 2 minutes for the thrusters at the end of the workout.
Score: Total Thrusters
Target Score: 60-180 Reps
Stimulus: Moderate Loading
Bike: 3:00-4:30-6:00
Double Unders: 1:00-1:30-2:00
Barbell: 4:00-6:00-2:00 for thrusters
Float the Bar
We're focusing on timing of reaching full extension of the hips and legs before recruiting the arms to pull. The lower body "push" phase of the movement is where athletes will generate maximum power. This power is only effectively transferred if athletes are patient in recruiting the arms for the pull or press until after the lower body push phase is completed. If executed correctly, the bar should "float" in space for a moment. In that moment, the athlete then moves into the pull or press phase.
60-90-120 Calorie Row
50-75-100 Calorie Ski
50-75-100 Calorie Echo Bike
800-1200-1600m Run
Reduce Loading/Reps
Power Clean Only
Push Jerk Only
Sub Dumbbells
Kettlebell Swing
Reduce Loading
Hang Power Snatches
Dumbbell Power Snatches
Kettlebell Swings
Power Cleans
Reduce Reps/Loading
Sub Dumbbells or Kettlebells
2x Air Squats
Reduce Reps
1.5x Single Unders
Plate Hops
Burpees (2 burpees = 10 DUs)
"My Little Friend"
3 Rounds For Time:
30 Dumbbell Reps (50/35)
2,000/1,800 Meter Bike Erg
100 Double Unders
Round 1: Dumbbell Thrusters (Single Arm)
Round 2: Dumbbell Snatches
Round 3: Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
General Flow
(9-21 minutes)
Empty Barbell Flow
Barbell Specific Warm up
(21-27 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(27-57 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)
Lethal Legs
4 Sets:
20 Jumping Lunges
100 Meter Sled Push (Light)
Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets
Alan Cohen
"Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts."
Gratitude is a powerful force that acknowledges and amplifies the good in your life.