"Magic 8 Ball"
For Time:
1,600 Meter Run
80 AbMat Sit-ups
800 Meter Medicine Ball Run
40 AbMat Sit-ups
400 Meter Farmers Carry
20 AbMat Sit-ups
Med-Ball: (20/14)
Dumbbells: (50/35)'s
Time Cap: 35 Minutes
KG | (9/6) (22.5/15)
13-15 & 55+ | (14/10), (35/25)'s
KG | (6/4.5), (15/11)
For Time:
1,600 Meter Run
80 AbMat Sit-ups
800 Meter Medicine Ball Run
40 GHD Sit-ups
400 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Med-Ball GHD Sit-ups
Med-Ball: (20/14)
Dumbbells: (50/35)'s
Today is our first Bring A Friend Day of February! This is a great opportunity to have your community invite friends to try out the gym! Today's workout is great for first timers, be sure to scale their distances and loads as needed!
Today’s chipper-style workout decreases in volume but the movements get more challenging. Set your effort from the beginning and see if you can maintain it throughout!
Score: Time
Target Score: 18-30 Minutes
Stimulus: Lactate Threshold [RPE 6-7]
1,600m Run: Pick an opening run distance that takes under 10:00 to complete, with the goal being closer to 8:00.
Medball Run: If you can't complete the run in less than 5:00, reduce the distance. We'd prefer you reduce the distance and run WITH the medball rather than run the full distance WITHOUT the medball.
Sit-ups: Both hands must touch the ground behind your head at the bottom of the sit-up and both hands must touch your feet at the top of the sit-up.
Farmer's Carry: Hold two dumbbells at the sides. Choose a weight that you could complete at least 200 meters unbroken with when fresh.
Range of Motion
Cue athletes to touch their shoulder blades to the ground and to have their shoulders pass through their hips each rip.
Be prepared to switch arms regularly during the medball run - every 100 meters may be a good strategy.
10:00 Time Cap
2,000/1,800m Row
1,600/1,440m Ski
100/80 Calorie Echo Bike
4,000/3,600m Bike Erg
8:00 Effort on Treadmill/Runner
Reduce Reps
Hollow Rocks
Tuck Crunches
5:00 Time Cap
Remove Medball
1,000/900m Row
800/720m Ski
50/40 Calorie Echo Bike
2,000/1,800m Bike Erg
4:00 Moderate Effort on Treadmill/Runner
60 Burpees
Reduce Loading/Distance
Sub Kettlebells or Plates
4:00 Farmer’s Carry March in Place
4:00 Farmer’s Carry Hold
Use any of the written Run Mods
120-80 Box Step-ups
450 Double Unders / 600 Single Unders -300 Double Unders / 400 Single Unders
300 Mountain Climbers (Per Side) - 200 Mountain Climbers (Per Side)
For Time:
1,600 Meter Run
80 AbMat Sit-ups
800 Meter Medicine Ball Run
40 AbMat Sit-ups
400 Meter Farmers Carry
20 AbMat Sit-ups
Med-Ball: (20/14)
Dumbbells: (50/35)
Time Cap: 35 Minutes
* Run/Carry Together
* Split 1 Med-Ball
* Each Partner Carries 1 Dumbbell
* Synchro AbMat Sit-ups (Top)
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
General Flow
(9-19 minutes)
Farmer’s Carry Warm-Up | Tell, Show, Do, Check
(19-25 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(25-60 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (60)
VO2 Max
Bike or Run For Total Distance:
1 Minute Work, 2 Minutes Rest
3 Minute Work, 2 Minutes Rest
5 Minute Work, 2 Minutes Rest
3 Minute Work, 2 Minutes Rest
1 Minute Work
* Performed At RPE 7-8
Immanuel Kant
"All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason."
Knowledge is a process that starts with sensory experiences and culminates in reason, the highest form of understanding.