
Aug 21

Left Hanging

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Sumo Deadlift 

In a 12:00 Window

5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps

Building to 60% to 80%  for final set of 3

* 3 Second Pause 

* Build In Weight

"Left Hanging" 


Dumbbell Hang Snatches (50/35) 

AbMat Sit-ups 

Bike Erg Calories 

AbMat Sit-ups 

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

KG | (22.5/15)



Single Dumbbell Hang Snatches, @dumbbell(70/50) 

GHD Sit Ups

Bike Erg Calories 

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

* Alternate arms every 3 reps on dumbbell

* Score: Total Time

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


The next block is the isometric phase. Here, the focus is on holding the lift in a typical position of struggle or weakness before completing the lift. This phase will help you overcome sticking points by strengthening the muscles needed to lift the weight in that particular position.  For the sumo deadlift, we will pause below the knee, on the way up.  In part 2, The first two rounds of this workout are the true work in today's piece. Once we get to the round of 18's, the workout is basically at it's end. Athletes that stay steady and consistent in the first two big rounds will set themselves up to hit the gas in the third and final round.


Score | Time to complete work. Add 1s per rep if time capped.


Dumbbell Hang Snatches | 1-2 sets, completed in sets of 3 per arm before switching arms.

AbMat Sit-ups | Unbroken and smooth pace

Bike Erg Calories | 3:00, 2:00, 1:00 respectively.

The One | Teaching Focus

Shoulders directly over the bar

Last week in the sumo deadlift we focused on the knees tracking over the toes.  This week let's focus on athletes pulling the chest up to keep the shoulders directly over the bar.  Use the cue “i want to read your shirt” to encourage them to pull the chest up.



Reduce Loading
Reduce Reps 
Dumbbell Power Snatches
Plate Ground to Overhead
Kettlebell Swings (Reduce Reps)
Empty Barbell Hang Power Snatches


Reduce Reps
Hollow Rocks


Reduce Reps
3:00-2:00-1:00 Time Caps
42-30-18/34-24-14 Calorie Row 
38-25-1212/30-20-10 Calorie Ski 
600-400-200m Run 
3:00-2:00-1:00 Efforts on Air Runner/Treadmill


Athletes should choose a strategy/pace goal for the round of 42's that will set them up to maintain or move slightly faster in the round of 30's. The bike is the longest part of each round and should be expedient, but planned so we don't burnout here.

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General flow 0:20 each

  • Grab Dumbbells
  • Bike
  • Tall plank
  • Spidermans 
  • Bootstraps
  • Bike
  • Hollow hold
  • Scorpions
  • Wide stance bend and reach
  • Bike
  • V ups
  • Glute bridge
  • Cossack squats

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-21 minutes)

DB Hang Snatch | tell, show, do, check

  • 0:20 Alternating DB deadlift
  • 0:20 Alternating DB dip + shrug
  • Look for athletes to keep chest up in the dip, and finish elbow high
  • 0:20 DB Push press (right)
  • 0:20 DB push press (left)
  • 0:20 DB hang snatch on the left
  • 0:20 DB hang snatch on the right

Sumo Deadlift | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance, grip, & set up
  • Double shoulder width stance
  • Toes Slightly pointed out
  • Arms hang straight down (hand inside knees)
  • Shoulders directly over bar
  • Knees track over toes
  • Chest pulled up & eyes on the horizon 
  • 5 Cued reps hips to above knee
  • Hips back first in the descent
  • Bar close
  •  5 Cued reps above knee to mid shin
  • Knees out of the way 
  • 3 Cued reps mid shin to standing
  • Driving with the legs
  • Shoulders and hips rise together until bar passes knee
  • 3 Cued reps mid shin to standing With pause
  • Count out the pause for each rep, so athletes know what we are looking for. 

(21-33 minutes)

(21-33 minutes)

  • 5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps
  • Building to 60% to 80%  for final set of 3
  • Transition to part 2

(33-39 minutes)

(33-39 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 6 Hang Dumbbell Snatches
  • 6 Sit-ups
  • 6/4 Calorie Bike Erg
  • 6 Sit-ups


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(39-57 minutes)

Look For

  • DB snatch | Look for a good finishing position.  The DB should be stacked, bicep by the ear, and everything locked out. 
  • Sit ups | Look for athletes to reach full range of motion.  Shoulder blades should touch the ground, and hips should pass the shoulders at the top. 
  • Bike | The bike is the longest part of each round and should be expedient, but planned so we don't burnout here.

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)

Accessory Work

Work Capacity 

2-3 Sets For Quality: 

150' Reverse Sled Drag (RPE 3) + 300' Farmers Carry 

100' Reverse Sled Drag (RPE 5) + 200' Farmers Carry 

 50' Reverse Sled Drag (RPE 7) + 100' Farmers Carry 

Rest 1 Minute Between All Sets 

Dumbbells: @dumbbell (50/35)'s

Additional Elements

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