Bench Press
3 Sets:
1 Bench Press
* Same Weight Across
* Aim For 89% 1RM
"Home Sweet Home"
15 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
60 Double Unders
13-15 & 55+ | Same as Class
Same as class
In part 1, This is the fourth and final week of our bench press base progression cycle. Aim to work up to 89%, then complete all three sets at that load as long as you can maintain good form. In part 2, This low-impact bodyweight workout is designed to be able to be done at home for New Year's Day or at a gym. Move at a consistent pace throughout, only taking quick breaks as needed. Choose reps and variations that allow you to complete each station in about 1:00.
Score: Rounds + Reps
Target Score: 4-6 Rounds
Stimulus: Lactate Threshold [RPE 5-6]
Hand-Release Push-ups: At the bottom of your reps, your chest must touch the ground and your hands must be lifted off the ground. You must remain in a planked position, meaning hips do not pike up or sag down as you push yourself into a fully locked-out position.
Sit-ups: Both hands must touch the ground behind your head at the bottom of the sit-up and both hands must touch your feet at the top of the sit-up.
Double Unders: 60 seconds or less.
Full-Body Tension for Power
Today’s emphasis is on maintaining tension throughout the entire body during the bench press. This full-body tension is key to stabilizing the lift, enabling more weight to be handled safely and efficiently. Athletes should focus on engaging not just the chest and arms, but also the legs, glutes, and core. By driving their feet into the ground, squeezing the glutes, and tightening the core, athletes create a solid foundation that translates into greater power and stability on the press.
Work at a moderate effort. This is a post-holiday workout and is intended to guide you through quality movement over extreme intensity.
An option to approach this workout is to build in intensity each round.
Reduce Reps
Regular Push-Ups
Box Push-Ups (Hands Elevated)
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Floor Press
Reduce Reps
Hollow Rocks
Tuck Crunches
Reduce Reps
90 Single Unders
Plate Hops
12 Burpees
1:00 Effort On Any Machine
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
General Flow 0:30 Each
(9-21 minutes)
Hand-Release Push-Up Warm-Up | Tell, Show, Do, Check
Bench Press | tell, show, do, check
(21-33 minutes)
(33-39 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(39-54 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (54-60)
Killer Core
For Quality:
50 Second Front Plank, 10 V-Ups
40 Second Front Plank, 20 V-Ups
30 Second Front Plank, 30 V-Ups
20 Second Front Plank, 40 V-Ups
10 Second Front Plank, 50 V-Ups
"Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart."
We all have a purpose, and our passions guide us toward fulfilling it.