"Holy Cow"
For Time:
800 Meter Run, 400 Meter Farmers Carry
600 Meter Run, 300 Meter Farmers Carry
400 Meter Run, 200 Meter Farmers Carry
200 Meter Run, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
Dumbbells: (50/35)'s
KG | 22.5/15
"Sunday Runday"
Beginner: 2 Miles
Intermediate: 3 Miles
13-15 & 55+ | (35/25)'s
KG | 15/11
Today is intended to be a recovery movement day. RPE is a 2-3 so the heart rate should remain in control at all times. Pick a run pace that allows you to breathe and immediately pick up the dumbbells.
Score: Time
Target Score: 20:00-25:00
Stimulus: Recovery [RPE 2-3]
Run: 5:00-4:00-3:00-2:00 at most.
Farmers Carry: Pick a load that allows for 100m unbroken when fresh.
Rolling the Shoulders Back in Farmer’s Carry
Today’s emphasis is on maintaining proper posture by rolling the shoulders back during the farmer’s carry. Rolling the shoulders back and down helps create a strong, stable upper body and keeps the load in a safe, efficient position. This posture engages the upper back muscles, protects the shoulders from rounding forward, and supports better breathing and core stability during the carry.
1000-750-400m Row
800-600-400m Ski
2000-1500-100m Bike
900-675-450m Row
720-540-360 Ski
1800-1350-900m Bike
Reduce Loading
Reduce Distance
Sub Kettlebells or Plates
2x Distance Shuttle Runs
(0 - 3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3 - 9 minutes)
Line drills 25’ eachs
(9 - 14 minutes)
Dumbbell Prep
(14 - 20 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(20 - 50 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (50-60)
VO2 Max
300 Meter Row, Rest 1 Minute
600 Meter Row, Rest 2 Minutes
900 Meter Row, Rest 3 Minutes
1,200 Meter Row, Rest 4 Minutes
1,500 Meter Row
* Performed At RPE 7-8
Aldous Huxley
"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
The only thing you can truly control and improve is yourself; focus on self-improvement to make a real impact.