For Time
100/80 Calorie Row
50 Thrusters
50 Pull-ups
50 Thrusters
100/80 Calorie Row
Barbell: (45/35)
KG | (20/15)
13-15 & 55+ | Same as Class
For Time
100/80 Calorie Row
50 Thrusters
30 Bar Muscle-ups
50 Thrusters
100/80 Calorie Row
Barbell: (45/35)
Today is a challenging pyramid-style workout that might look simple on paper, but the volume of reps accumulates quickly and starts to impact one another. Work deliberately and at a hard, steady pace from the beginning.
Score: Time
Target Score: 15-25 Minutes
Target Loading: Very Light
Stimulus: Lactate Threshold [RPE 6-7]
Row: Choose a row distance that you can complete in 7:00 or less.
Thruster: Weight should be very light and something you can complete within 2-3 sets.
Pull-ups: Choose a pull-up variation/rep number that takes 5:00 or less to complete.
Straight Line
A primary fault of the press within the thruster is deviating from a straight bar path. The press is made exponentially more difficult if the athlete fails to pull the chin back in order to press straight off the shoulders. The most efficient way to get from point a to point b is a straight line, that's what we want to coach and encourage today.
Row at a pace that is equivalent to your 5k PR pace. This should feel challenging, but you could maintain it for 30 minutes when fresh.
Complete your thrusters in as few sets as possible, breaking as soon as you start to feel your form break down or the speed of reps slow.
Pull-ups should be completed in sets that allow for crisp technique and good form. If kipping, make sure your form remains sound. If doing strict pull-ups, do not take any set to failure. Always leave reps in the tank.
8:00 Time Cap
80/64 Calorie Ski
80/64 Calorie Echo Bike
100/80 Calorie Bike Erg
1,200m Run
6:00 Moderate Effort on Treadmill/Runner
Reduce Reps/Loading
Sub Dumbbells (20/15)s
100 Air Squats
Reduce Reps
Jumping Pull-ups
Banded Pull-ups
Ring Rows
Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows (Renegade Row)
The order of the workout matters today, so if you have a large group try to work your lesson plan to run a second group starting behind the first.
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
General Flow
(9-21 minutes)
Pull ups | tell, show, do, check
Thruster Prep
(21-27 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(27-57 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)
Killer Core
3 Sets:
5 Strict Toes to Bar
15 Side-Lying Crunches (L)
5 Strict Toes to Bar
15 Side-Lying Crunches
*Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets
Bruce Lee
"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind."
Flexibility and adaptability are more sustainable and resilient than rigid strength.