"Grab And Go" [TEAM VERSION]
[On the 0:00]
15 Rope Climbs (15')
90 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)
Max Calorie Bike Erg
[On the 9:00]
15 Rope Climbs (15')
60 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Max Calorie Bike Erg
[On the 18:00-27:00]
15 Rope Climbs (15')
30 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
Max Calorie Bike Erg
KG | (52/38), (61/43), (70/47)
13-15 & 55+ | (95/65), (115/85), (135/95)
KG | (43/29), (52/38), (61/43)
For Time:
30-20-10 Hang Power Cleans
30/24 Calorie Echo Bike
5 Rope Climbs (15')
Round 1: (135/95)
Round 2: (155/105)
Round 3: (185/135)
Time Cap: 25 Minutes
KG | (61/43), (70/48), (75/52)
One teammate works at a time, switching out however you'd like. Pick a rope climb number that takes 3 minutes or less to complete (5 on the minute). Pick weights that you can complete at least 9-6-3 reps respectively on the barbell. Each AMRAP is 9 minutes.
Score: Bike Erg Calories
Target Score: 200-400 Calories
Stimulus: VO2 Max [RPE 8]
Rope Climbs: 3:00 or less
Hang Power Cleans: 9-6-3 unbroken at a time
Bike: Aim to have around 3:00 on the bike each round.
Rope Climb Sequence
Cue athletes to follow the reach, tuck, clamp, stand sequence to maximize efficiency on their rope climb.
Reduce Loading/Reps
Power Cleans
Sub Dumbbells, (35/25)s, (50/35)s, (70/50)s
Deadlifts,(155/105), (185/135), (225/155)
Reduce Height
Lay to Stand Climb
15 Strict Pull-Ups
15 Ring Rows
15 Toes To Bar
20 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows (Renegade Row)
Sub Row, Ski, Echo, Run
For Time:
30 Hang Power Cleans, (115/85)
30/24 Calorie Bike
5 Rope Climbs (15')
20 Hang Power Cleans, (135/95)
20/16 Calorie Bike
5 Rope Climbs (15')
10 Hang Power Cleans, (155/105)
10/8 Calorie Bike
5 Rope Climbs (15')
Time Cap: 25 Minutes
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
General Flow
(9-23 minutes)
Rope | tell, show, do, check
Hang Power Clean | tell, show, do, check
(23-29 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(29-56 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (56-60)
Killer Core
3 Sets:
10 Barbell Rollouts
3 Sets:
20 Barbell Sit-ups
Rest 1-2 Minutes Between All Sets
Kathleen Norris
"All that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bear the intolerable."
Life often requires accepting difficult realities, letting go of what we think we can’t live without, and enduring challenges.