
Feb 7


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3 Sets:

8 Thrusters 

* Build In Weight To Technical Failure 

* Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets



Thrusters (95/65)


Time Cap: 10 Minutes 


KG | (43/29)


13-15 & 55+ | Same as class


Same as class

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, This is the fifth week of our 8-week PowerBuilding Cycle. This cycle incorporates ten lifts and alternates between hypertrophy-focused (higher rep) and absolute strength-focused (lower rep) weeks, ensuring balanced development.   In part 2, Fran is an infamous and classic CrossFit couplet. Meant to be completed at a fast and furious pace, these two opposing push and pull movements make a spicy combination and keep power output high. Choose the correct loading and modifications to achieve this and not get slowed up anywhere. Aim for no more than 1 break per set to preserve the stimulus.


Score: Time


Target Score: 2-8 Minutes 

Stimulus: Anaerobic Capacity [RPE 9]

Thruster: Aim for 2 sets or less.

Pull Up: If we are scaling these, Jumping pull-ups are the best variation for pull-ups, as they keep you moving and the heart rate high.

The One | Teaching Focus

"Explode Through Your Hips"

Common Fault: Lack of power during the transition to the press.

Correction: Focus on generating force from the hips to propel the bar overhead.


Prioritize the intended stimulus of the workout today by choosing modifications and reps that let you push hard and stay uncomfortable but moving for the duration.

Working at a controlled pace and choosing a quick break during barbell sets may better allow you to work through bigger sets on the pull-ups. Smooth = fast! Smooth and fast = faster!



Reduce Loading/Reps
Sub Dumbbells (35/25)s
Front Squats
42-30-18 Air Squats


Reduce Reps (Ex: 15-12-9, 12-9-6)
Jumping Pull-ups
Banded Pull-ups
12-9-6 Reps Strict Pull-ups
Ring Rows
Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows (Renegade Row)


If you need rig space, or do not have enough barbells, you can try running two heats and have athletes count for one another. 

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow 

  • 3:00 Row (0:15 Sprint at the top of each minute)
  • 0:30 Pigeon (right)
  • 0:30 Pigeon (left)
  • 0:30 Banded Lat Stretch (right)
  • 0:30 Banded Lat Stretch (left)
  • 0:20 Air Squats
  • 0:20 Ring Rows

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-24 minutes)

Pull ups | tell, show, do, check 

  • :10 Deadhang 
  • :10 Scap pull ups 
  • :10 Kips 
  • Focus on a shallow, controlled, tight kip
  • 2x :10 Kip swings 
  • Focus on the swing being controlled by the shoulders/lats
  • 5 Jumping negative pull ups 
  • Sub ring rows if needed 
  • 3 Pull ups or workout mod

Thruster Prep

  • 5-7 Front Squats (Cued Reps)
  • Focus: Upright torso and depth.
  • Cue: “Chest tall, elbows high.”
  • 5-7 Push Presses (Cued Reps)
  • Focus: Timing—hips and legs extend first, then arms press.
  • Cue: “Legs drive, arms follow.”
  • Athletes dip and drive on “go,” then reset their stance and bar position between each rep to refine timing.
  • 5-7 Thrusters (Cued Reps)
  • Focus: Smooth transition through squat, hip extension, and press.
  • Cue: “Squat, pop, punch.”
  • Athletes focus on driving out of the squat, fully extending at the hips, and finishing with a strong overhead press in one fluid motion.

(21-33 minutes)

(24 - 36 minutes)

  • Build In Weight To Technical Failure 
  • Aim for ~65-75% of 1RM
  • Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets

(33-39 minutes)

(36 - 42 minutes)

Practice Round

  • At a Hard Effort Pace:
  • 7 Thrusters
  • 7 Pull-ups
  • 3 Thrusters
  • 3 Pull-ups


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(42 - 52 minutes)

Look For

  • Thrusters:  Look for athletes to keep the weight in the heels even as we try to move fast through our reps. 
  • Pull-ups:  Look for full range of motion, as athletes get fatigued they should still lockout fully in the bottom, and get their chin over the bar at the top.

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (52-60)

Accessory Work

Upper Body Accessory


3 Sets: 

10 Alternating Dumbbell Strict Presses 

* Opposite Arm In Overhead Position 

* 20 Reps Total (10 Each Side) 


3 Sets: 

10 Alternating Dumbbell Bent Over Rows 

* Opposite Arm Pulled Into Chest 

* 20 Reps Total (10 Each Side) 



"The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character."

Your thoughts ultimately shape your character; be mindful of them, as they set the course for your actions and habits.

Additional Elements

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