Fortitude [Benchmark]
On the Minute x 30:
1 Minute Row Calories
1 Minute Burpees
Same as class
Same as class
The last time we completed this workout was 12/27/23. This workout is called "Fortitude" for a reason. Being able to pick numbers to hold for both of these movements for all 15 rounds without giving in to the discomfort is going to require both mental and physical fortitude. Today, let's lean into the discomfort and find out what we are capable of.
Score: Lowest Row + Lowest Burpee
Target Score: 20-36 Reps
Stimulus: Lactate Threshold [RPE 6-8]
Row: Reset the monitor every round. Aim for consistency.
Burpees: Consistency across the board.
Row Efficiency
Encourage a stroke rate of 24-26 with hard pull today. The more we start to pull into the 30 stroke rate range the higher our heart rate will become, and be harder to control. We want to be set up for success coming off the row going into the burpees.
Aim to finish your last calorie/burpee at the same time each round. This should be at about the 40-45 second mark in the first half of the workout and may drop to about the 50-55 second mark in the later rounds.
We should not aim to bank rest by moving faster when we are fresh. We want to keep the heart rate pretty steady throughout so sprinting will only cause the heart rate to spike, making it hard to recover and stay in control.
Everyone wants to let up at minutes 15-20. Remember this at that point and do whatever you can to stick to your numbers!
Max Cals On Any Other Machine
Max Shuttle Runs
Max Box Jump Overs
Max Cals On Any Machine
Max Shuttle Runs
Max Box Jump Overs
If your class is really big, athletes can share rowers and alternate movements.
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
General Flow 0:30 Each
(9-19 minutes)
Row | tell, show, do, check
Burpee | tell, show, do, check
(19-25 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(25-55 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (55-60)
3 Giant Sets For Quality:
7 Strict Toes to Bar
20 Second Hollow Hold
20 Medicine Ball Twists (10/side)
Rest 1 Minute Between Giant Sets
Peter Elbow
"Meaning is not what you start with but what you end up with."
The significance of your actions and choices becomes clear in hindsight, as their outcomes unfold.