5 Rounds:
600m Run
40 Air Squats
20 KBS, 53/35
Time Cap: 40 Minutes
Run 2-3 Miles
KG | N/A
Today we have a big capacity piece. With it being the end of the week, we are looking to move at a steady pace today throughout all our movements. We should feel that we can come in from the run and get right to work inside.
Score | Time to complete work.
Run | 3:00-3:30 today.
Air squats | Smooth working pace here.
KB swing | Unbroken.
Range of motion
We are looking for athletes to hit full depth on their air squats, while reaching full extension at the top of each rep.
For the KB swings, be sure athletes are getting the biceps to the ear at the top of each rep.
600M RUN
Reduce Distance
750/675m Row
600/540m Ski
1500/1350m Bike
38/30 Calorie Assault/Echo
3:00 Effort on Air Runner/Treadmill
Reverse Lunges
Squat to Box/Bench
Reduce Loading
Reduce Reps
Russian Kettlebell Swings
Russian Dumbbell Swings
Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
Empty Barbell Hang Power Snatches
Athletes are looking to move steady today. If there is going to be a big limiting factor that will hinder us from staying moving, we should look at scaling that piece back.
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
Line Drill Warm Up 25’ each
(9-14 minutes)
KB Swing Prep | tell, show, do, check
(14-20 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(20-60 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (60)
Killer Core
3 Giant Sets For Quality
10 Pallof Press (Each Side)
10 Elevated Prone Knee to Elbows (Each Side)
50' Suitcase Farmers Carry (Each Side)
Rest 1 Minute Between Giant Sets
Carl Sandburg
"Nothing happens unless first we dream."
All achievements begin with a vision; dreams are the seeds of reality.