
Dec 18


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Sumo Deadlift

3 Sets: 

3 Sumo Deadlifts  

* Same Weight Across 

* Aim For 82% 1RM 


5 Rounds For Time:

12 Deadlifts

9 Hang Power Cleans

6 Push Jerks

Barbell: (155/105)

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

KG | 70/48


13-15 & 55+ | (115/85)

KG | 52/38


Same as class

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, This is the second week of our sumo deadlift base progression cycle. Aim to work up to 82% of your 1RM sumo deadlift max, then complete all three sets at that load as long as you can maintain good form. In Part 2, we have a Benchmark workout “DT” , a classic barbell conditioning piece.  The goal here is to see how little we can break up the barbell each round.  A couple of example breaks; break after the 11th deadlift and the 8th hang power clean, or can we have one break in the middle of the hang power cleans.  


Score | Time


Target Score | 5:00-15:00 

Stimulus | Moderate Loading 

Deadlift | 1:00 or less, this should be the easiest of the three, aim for unbroken or a planned break to give the grip a reset before the hang power cleans. 

Hang Power Clean | 1:00 or less, 1-2 sets. 

Push Jerks | 1:00 or less, ideally unbroken.


The One | Teaching Focus

Elbows beat the feet

In the push jerk, Cue athletes punch hard and fast after fully extending the hips and legs. This will encourage athletes to land with their elbows already locked out and in an active overhead position.  In the hang power clean, cue athletes to have fast elbows under the bar in order to catch in a sound position each time.



Reduce Loading/Reps 
Sub Dumbbells or Kettlebells
Good Mornings
Barbell Sumo Deadlift
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift


Reduce Reps/Loading
Power Cleans
Front Squats
Sub Dumbbells


Reduce Reps/Loading
Sub Dumbbells/Kettlebells
Split Jerk
Push Press
Handstand Push-ups


There shouldn't be any logistics needed today.  Athletes just need to have their own barbell. 

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow 0:20-0:30 Each

  • Samson (Right)
  • Samson (Left)
  • Pigeon (Right)
  • Pigeon (Left)
  • Boot Straps
  • Bend and Reach
  • Single Leg Glute Bridge (Right)
  • Single Leg Glute Bridge (Left)
  • Inchworm to Plank
  • Push-Ups
  • Body Weight Good Mornings
  • Squat Jumps

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-23 minutes)

Empty Barbell Specific Flow 0:20 Each

  • Stiff Leg Deadlifts
  • Hang Muscle Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Shoulder Press
  • Good Mornings
  • Deadlifts 
  • Hang Dip + Jump
  • Athletes should keep the arms long and focus on getting full extension as they jump
  • Hang Power Cleans
  • Look for athletes to keep their hip extension as they move through these.
  • Front Rack Drip + Drive
  • Barbell stays on the shoulders
  • Look for athletes to keep their chest vertical in the dip and stand hard and fast
  • Push Press
  • Look for the legs to cue the shoulder to press.
  • Push Jerks
  • Look for athletes to make the elbows beat the feet.
  • We want a hard and fast catch at the top of each rep. 

Sumo Deadlift | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance, grip, & set up
  • Double shoulder width stance
  • Toes Slightly pointed out
  • Arms hang straight down (hand inside knees)
  • Shoulders directly over bar
  • Knees track over toes
  • Chest pulled up & eyes on the horizon 
  • 5 Cued reps Shin to knee
  • Focus on Keeping the Chest Up
  • Reinforce keeping the chest elevated throughout the lift to prevent rounding of the lower back.
  •  5 Cued reps Sumo deadlifts
  • Focus on Spreading the Floor
  • Encourage athletes to imagine spreading the floor apart with their feet to engage the outer hips and glutes more effectively.
  • 3 Cued Sumo Deadlifts at light load

(21-33 minutes)

(23-35 minutes)

  • 6:00 to Build to Working Weight
  • 6:00 to Complete 3 Working Sets
  • 3 Sets of 3 at 82%
  • Transition to part 2

(33-39 minutes)

(35-41 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 4 Deadlifts
  • 3 Hang Power Cleans
  • 2 Push Jerks
  • 3 Deadlifts
  • 2 Hang Power Cleans
  • 1 Push Jerks


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(41-59 minutes)

Look For

  • Deadlift | In today's workout, the deadlifts will act as a grip fatigue movement, so encourage athletes to break the bar early to save the grip if needed. 
  • Hang Power Cleans | Look for athletes hip extension, as we fatigue we don't want to overuse the low back, so we need to focus on a strong jump and hip extension. 
  • Push Jerk | We want to be sure athletes have a sound overhead position, it will be east to start getting lazy overhead so encourage athletes to remain tight and engaged. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (59-60)

Accessory Work

Lactate Threshold

[2 Sets]:

10 Rounds:

40 Seconds Row (RPE 5-6) 

20 Seconds Rest

Rest 4 Minutes Between Sets



"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps." 

If you’re not making progress, rethink your approach, not your goals; adapt your methods to reach your destination.

Additional Elements

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