"Cruella De Vil" [TEAM VERSION]
4 Rounds For Time:
P1: 500/450 Meter Row
P2: 200 Meter Farmers Carry
P2: 500/450 Meter Row
P1: 200 Meter Farmers Carry
Together: 16 Synchro Single Arm Devil's Press
Dumbbells: (50/35)'s
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
KG | 22.5/15
13-15 & 55+ | (35/20)'s
KG | 15/9
For Time:
30 Devil's Press (50/35)'s
2,000/1,800 Meter Row
100 Meter Handstand Walk
Dumbbells: (50/35)'s
* Partition However
Time Cap: 25 Minutes
For today the row and carry are designed to take about the same amount of time, so that the partners finish around the same time. Once partners finish both stations they will move to synchro synchro devils press. We are looking for the synchro to be at the bottom of each rep (chest on the floor)
Score: Time
Target Score: 20-28 Minutes
Stimulus: Lactate Threshold [RPE 5-6]
Row: 2:00-2:30
Carry: 2:00-2:30
Devils Press: Around 2:00, alternate arms however you would like.
Roll the Shoulders Back and Down
During the farmers carry, focus on athletes following the shoulders back and down as they carry. This can also carry over into the row, we want athletes to keep the shoulders rolled back and engaged as they row.
Reduce Loading
Reduce Distance
Sub Kettlebells or Plates
2:00 Farmer’s Hold
2x Distance Shuttle Runs
Reduce Reps/Loading
Double Dumbbell Power Snatch
Double Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift
Single Dumbbell Devil Press
Burpee To Target
Double Kettlebell Hang Clean & Jerk
Double Kettlebell Russian Swings
500/450 METER ROW
2:30 Time Cap
400/360m Ski
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
1,000/900m Bike Erg
400m Run
2:00 Effort on Treadmill/Runner
32 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 10m)
For Time:
600 Meter Farmers Carry
30 Devil's Press (50/35)'s
2,000/1,800 Meter Row
Dumbbells: (50/35)'s
* Partition However
Time Cap: 25 Minutes
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
General Flow
(9-19 minutes)
Farmers Carry Prep
Devils Press | tell, show, do, check
(19-25 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(25-55 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (55-60)
Gun Show
[PART 1]
4 Sets:
8 1-Arm Dumbbell Rows (R)
8 1-Arm Dumbbell Rows (L)
[PART 2]
3 Sets:
10 Cheater Hammer Curls (R)
10 Cheater Hammer Curls (L)
* Rest 1-2 Minutes Between All Sets
Dalai Lama
"Happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors."
Your happiness is largely determined by your perspective, not your circumstances.