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Strict Press 

3 Sets: 

2 Strict Press 

* Same Weight Across 

* Aim For ~86%


AMRAP 18: 

18 Toes to Bar 

18 Push Press (115/85) 

Every 2 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]: 

200 Meter Run 

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

KG | 52/36


13-15 & 55+ | (95/65)

KG | 43/29


AMRAP 18: 

18 Toes to Bar 

9 Push Press (165/115) 

Every 2 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]: 

200 Meter Run 

Time Cap: 18 Minutes 

KG | 75/52

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


In part 1, We are continuing our Linear Progression cycle.   Keep in mind that all our percentages are based on technical failure and not simply completion regardless of mechanics and quality.  Essentially the name of the game with this cycle is that it starts challenging and stays challenging. The challenge only increases due to fatigue, not due to increased load.  This 18-minute workout combines gymnastics and strength with an ongoing cardio challenge. Every two minutes, you’ll need to pause your work for a 200-meter run. After the run, get right back into your toes to bar and push presses, focusing on maintaining good form and efficient reps. 


Score | Total rounds and reps of toes to bar and push press.


Toes To Bar | Able to complete 12-18 reps in the “non running” minute. 

Push Press | Able to complete 12-18 reps in the “non running” minute. 

Run | About 1:00 or less. 


The One | Teaching Focus

Cylinder of strength

For today’s strict press we want to teach our athletes how to maintain a “cylinder of strength” throughout the strict press movement. By gripping the ground, squeezing the butt, squeezing the legs, and squeezing the abs the athletes will be in a strong and rigid position to execute the lift. By design, the lower back contains a lot of muscles (called erectors). We  can both protect and train those muscles by maintaining an upright torso and keeping the midline engaged.



Reduce Reps
Toes To As High As Possible
Knees To Chest


Reduce Loading
Sub Kettlebells or Dumbbells
Sub Barbell
Kipping HSPU

200M RUN

1:15 Time Cap
250/225m Row
200/180m Ski
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
500/450m Bike Erg
1:00 Moderate Effort on Treadmill/Runner*


Our run today is on a short time frame, if athletes need to scale encourage them to do 150m or 100m.  

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow 0:20 Each or Written Distance

  • 200m Run
  • Arm Circles (Small to Large)
  • Scorpions
  • Samson Stretch (right)
  • Samson Stretch (left)
  • Knuckle Draggers
  • Air Squats
  • Inchworms + Spiderman
  • Plank to Downward Dog
  • Shoulder Taps (in Plank Position)
  • Lateral Lunges
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kicks

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-21 minutes)

Toes to Bar | tell, show, do, check

  • :10 dead hang 
  • :10 scap pull ups 
  • 5 Jump to hollow 
  • 5 Jump to hollow and arch 
  • 5 Press away kip swings 
  • 5 Hanging knee tuck 
  • 5 Full TTB or modification

Push Press | tell, show, do, check

  • 5 Behind the neck shoulder press
  • 10 Elbow rotations
  • 5 Dip + hold
  • Look for an upright chest
  • 5 Dip + drive
  • Look for an aggressive stand, squeeze the legs.
  • 5 Push Press
  • Look for finish position, barbell over the middle of the body.

Strict Press | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance & grip
  • Feet hip width apart 
  • Hands just outside shoulders with full grip 
  • Bar in contact with shoulders
  • Elbows slightly in front in bar
  • 3 Cued Press to Eye Level
  • Focus on athletes moving the head out of the way, not pressing the bar around the head. 
  • 3 Cued reps
  • Focus on “cylinder of strength” 
  • Squeezed legs, butt, & stomach
  • 3 Cued reps
  • Focus on chin back first

(21-33 minutes)

(21-33 minutes)

  • 6:00 to Build to Working Weight
  • 6:00 to Complete 3 Working Sets
  • 3 Sets of 2 at 86%
  • Transition to part 2

(33-39 minutes)

(33-39 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 100m Run
  • 6 Toes To Bar
  • 6 Push Press


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(39-57 minutes)

Look For

  • Toes To Bar | Encourage athletes to find a workout movement that allows them to complete 12-18 reps in the minute. 
  • Push Press | Make sure athletes do not rebend back under the bar.  After our drive we are to stay locked out. 
  • Run | The run has to be completed in a minute or less.  You can have athletes scale to 150m or 100m if needed. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)

Accessory Work

Bulletproof Shoulders


3x10 Lu Raises


3x10 Dumbbell Reverse Flyes

Rest 1 Minute Between All Sets


"An obstacle may be either a stepping stone or a stumbling block."

How you perceive and handle obstacles determines whether they help or hinder you.

Additional Elements

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