Back Squat
On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:
3 Back Squats
* 3 Second Pause
* Build In Weight
For Time:
800 Meter Run, 40 Wallballs
600 Meter Run, 30 Wallballs
400 Meter Run, 20 Wallballs
200 Meter Run, 10 Wallballs
Medicine Ball: (20/14)
Time Cap: 18 Minutes
KG | (9/6)
For Time:
10 Bar Muscle-ups, 40 Wallballs
8 Bar Muscle-ups, 32 Wallballs
6 Bar Muscle-ups, 24 Wallballs
4 Bar Muscle-ups, 12 Wallballs
Wallball: @wallball(20/14) to 10/9ft
Time Cap: 18 Minutes
We are in the isometric phase. Here, the focus is on holding the lift in a typical position of struggle or weakness before completing the lift. This phase will help you overcome sticking points by strengthening the muscles needed to lift the weight in that particular position. For the back squat, we will pause at parallel, on the way up. In part two, Big lung and leg burner today, our breathing will become key early on. There isn't much room to hide or rest between these two movements, so how we game plan the bigger rounds will determine how well our small rounds go at the end. How well do you manage your breathing without opportunities to rest?
Score | Time to complete work. Add 1s per rep not completed if we are time capped.
Runs | About 4:00, 3:00, 2:00 and 1:00 respectively.
Wallballs | We should be able to hold onto 10+ reps at a time.
Grip the ground
In both our squats we want to target a grip and twist of ground with the feet. This will create an arch in the midfoot and recruit the muscles of the posterior chain as athletes squat.
800/600/400/200M RUNS
Reduce Distances
4:00/3:00/2:00/1:00 Time Caps
1000/750/500/250m, 900/675/450/225m Rows
800/600/400/200m, 720/540/360/180m Ski
2000/1500/1000/500m, 1800/1350/900/450m Bike Erg
4:00/3:00/2:00/1:00 Moderate Efforts on Treadmill/Runner
50/38/25/12, 40/30/20/10 Calories on Echo/Assault
Reduce Reps
Reduce Loading
Reduce Target Height
Single Dumbbell/Medball Thrusters
Empty Barbell Thrusters
Medball Front Squats
60/45/30/15 Air Squats
Athletes can partner or group to share barbells for the lift portion.
It will flow best if each athlete has their own barbell for the metcon.
Breathing is key today as there is not much rest or transition time between these two movements, try to stay in control and calm in the first couple of rounds so that we can push our paces at the end in the small sets.
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
Line Drills 25’ each
(9-21 minutes)
Wall ball | tell, show, do, check
Back Squat | tell, show, do, check
(21-33 minutes)
(33-39 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(39-57 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)
Bulletproof Shoulders
3-5 Sets For Quality:
10 Seated Barbell Z-Press
10 Second Hold at Top
Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets