Back Squat
3 Sets:
3 Back Squats
* Build In Weight To Technical Failure
"Abandon Ship"
50/40 Calorie Row
Max Wallballs
40/32 Calorie Row
Max Wallballs
30/24 Calorie Row
Max Wallballs
20/16 Calorie Row
Max Wallballs
10/8 Calorie Row
Max Wallballs
Medicine Ball: (20/14)
KG | (9/6)
13-15 & 55+ | (20/10) to 9'
KG | (9/4.5)
Medball: (30/20)
In Part 1, This is the fourth week of our 8-week PowerBuilding Cycle. This cycle incorporates ten lifts and alternates between hypertrophy-focused (higher rep) and absolute strength-focused (lower rep) weeks, ensuring balanced development. In part 2, We've got a leg-burner today! Start each AMRAP with a row buy-in, then accumulate as many wallball reps as you can in the remaining window of time. There is a lot of interference between the wallballs and rowing, so choose your pace and sets wisely so you can keep moving deliberately. There is no rest between AMRAPs, so we're working for 15 minutes straight. There is a “Team Option” in the logistics, if you want to choose to offer a mid week team workout!
Score: Total Wallballs
Target Score: 90-180 Wallballs
Stimulus: Lactate Threshold [RPE 6-7]
Row: 4:00-3:00-2:00-1:00-0:30 Respectively.
Wallball: Choose a weight that you can complete in sets of 10.
Drive Through the Heels
Instruct athletes to push through the heels when rising from the bottom of the squat.
This engages the posterior chain (glutes and hamstrings) and ensures proper leg drive without shifting forward onto the toes.
Both of these movements interfere with each other. This means we have to be wise in our approach.
We think it is best to put the focus on the rows to buy yourself more time to complete wallball reps.
When you are working on the wallballs, accumulate reps by completing small, manageable sets that keep your heart rate and the fatigue in your legs from increasing too much. This will allow you to get back to the row and start moving at a good pace again.
Reduce Reps/Loading/Target Height
Double Dumbbell Thrusters (25/15)s
Empty Barbell Thrusters
Wallball Thrusters
No Squat Wallballs
Air Squats
[MEN] 50-40-30-20-10 CALORIE ROW
5:00-4:00-3:00-2:00-1:00 Time Cap
40-32-24-16-8 Calorie Ski
50-40-30-20-10 Calorie Bike Erg
40-32-24-16-8 Calorie Echo Bike
1,000-800-600-400-200m Run
[WOMEN] 40-32-24-16-8 CALORIE ROW
5:00-4:00-3:00-2:00-1:00 Time Cap
30-24-18-12-6 Calorie Ski
40-32-24-16-8 Calorie Bike Erg
30-24-18-12-6 Calorie Echo Bike
1,000-800-600-400-200m Run
P1/2: 40/32 Calorie Row
P2/1: 40 Wallballs
P1/2: 30/24 Calorie Row
P2/1: 30 Wallballs
P1/2: 20/16 Calorie Row
P2/1: 20 Wallballs
P1/2: 10/8 Calorie Row
P2/1: 10 Wallballs
Medicine Ball: (20/14)
* Partner Switch Stations When They Both Finish Their Work
* Time Cap: 18 Minutes
(0-3 minutes)
Whiteboard Brief
(3-9 minutes)
General Flow
(9 -24 minutes)
Wallball | tell, show, do, check
Back Squat Warm Up
(24 -36 minutes)
(36-42 minutes)
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
(42-57 minutes)
Look For
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)
Bulletproof Shoulders
For Quality:
100 Empty Barbell Z-Press
100 Banded Face Pulls
Anne Bronte
"All our talents increase in the using, and every faculty, both good and bad, strengthens by exercise."
Skills and abilities grow stronger with practice, while neglect can cause them to atrophy.