"3 Best Friends"
6 Rounds For Time:
600 Meter Run (Each Athlete Runs 200 Meters)
45 Dumbbell Dumbbell Push Press (50/35)
30 Toes to Bar
15 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
1 Athlete Works At a Time
Time Cap: 42:00
KG | (22.5/15)
On The Minute x 40 Minutes:
Min 1: 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 30/24"
Min 2: 6/5 Bar Muscle-ups
Min 3: Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge, @dumbbell(70/50)
Min 4: 12/10 Calorie Row
Min 5: 50 Crossover Single Unders
Min 6: 50ft Handstand Walk
Min 7: 1 Seated Legless Rope Climb (12ft)
Min 8: 12/10 Calorie Ski
Today we have a fun piece for the 3 Best Friends that anyone could have! Find two fit friends and decide how you want to split the work amongst yourselves.
Time to complete work
Run | :60 per teammate. 3:00 total
Double Dumbbell Push Press | :90 or less
Toes to Bar | :90 or less
Burpee Box Jumps | :60 or less
Kipping Timing.
Timing is crucial in the TTB, and athletes should coordinate the hip swing with the leg raise. Reach the full height of the kip before kicking. This timing applies to the knee raise as well.
200m Run [Each Person]
Reduce Distance
1:00 Time Cap
250m Row
160m Ski
400m Bike
150m Air Run
DB Push Press
Reduce Loading
Sub Kettlebells
Sub Barbell
Dumbbell Strict Presses
Kipping HSPU
Reduce Reps
Toes To As High As Possible
Knees To Chest
Sit-Ups V-Ups
Burpee Box Jumps
Reduce Box Height
Burpee Box Step-Ups
Burpees Only
Box Jumps Only
Burpee Box Jump Overs
Today is a long, grindy team workout. In order provide your class with the full time necessary for this workout you’ll need to come prepared with an efficient and timely warm up.
Allow athletes to use different loads on DBs and to modify the workout individually so that all 3 team members are not required to complete the same version of the workout.
Example: 2 athletes can complete TTB while their 3rd teammate modifies to knees to chest.
Whiteboard Brief
General Flow
DB Flow
TTB | tell, show, do, check
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
Look For
Run | Knee Lift.
The athlete should execute an adequate knee lift with each stride.
Double DB push press | Timing.
Reaching full extension of the hips and legs before pressing the DBs overhead.
TTB | Kipping Timing.
Timing is crucial, and athletes should coordinate the hip swing with the leg raise. Reach the full height of the kip before kicking. This timing applies to the knee raise as well.
Burpee Box Jumps | Cadence.
Cue athletes to have their step up out of their burpee be the launching position of their box jump.
6 Rounds For Time:
200 Meter Run
15 DB push press
10 V-ups
5 Burpees over DB
Rest 2:00 between rounds
“Your mind is not your shoe size.” - Jim Kwik
Have you ever taken an “IQ Test”?
Chances are you have of some sort. A test that claimed to tell us our capacity in life. Where the resulting score is the equivalent of looking into a crystal ball on how successful we’ll be.
As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s a nightmare that comes to life for many. A self-fulfilling prophecy that can cut potential at the knees.
The truth of it all however, is that we know so very little about how the mind *actually* works. It’s still such a mystery to us. Yet, we can find ourselves building an imaginary ceiling over our heads.
In regards to one of life’s greatest mysteries, there’s one thing we can bank on… that our mind is not our shoe size.
3 Sets
30 Banded tricep pull downs
30 Banded curls